03 March 2013


Part I) Paris Events and READINGS by date in March

Part II) Workshops in Paris this month

Part III) News Reviews and Reviews News: publications, calls for work, new books and more!--LOTS of calls this MARCH for you to submit your poetry, fiction, nonfiction books and extracts to magazines--so use YOUR holiday time to send out your work!

*Note: event details are regularly updated, so check back!

(IF YOU HAVE EVENTS, CALLS FOR WORK, etc for APRIL 2013 please send those announcements as early as possible, and in the format of the listings below, to Jane Cope at parisrentree2010 AT gmail.com)


Part 1) Paris events and readings by date in March

4 March 19h Angelika Meier: Heimlich, heimlich mich vergiß. En coopération avec les éditions diaphanes. Lecture et discussion avec l’auteur, Marie Hermann et Franziska Humphreys  « De l’opium et de la rhubarbe, c’est pour l’instant tout ce que je peux faire pour vous. » Une clinique futuriste en verre, suspendue dans les airs, s’occupe de simples mortels. Yoga, coït sur ordonnance et techniques psychologiques sont censés maintenir l’équilibre des patients. Incapable d’écrire le rapport que la direction attend de lui, le docteur Franz von Stern replonge, sans le vouloir, dans son passé et raconte… Le deuxième roman d’Angelika Meier se joue dans un monde oscillant entre nostalgie et science-fiction, dans lequel négliger la santé a des conséquences mortelles. Un conte mélancolique et joyeusement triste pour nous qui n’existons presque plus. Le style narratif est novateur, troublant et toujours singulier, au meilleur sens du terme. En 2012, Heimlich, heimlich mich vergiß a été proposé pour le Prix du Livre Allemand. Née en 1968, Angelika Meier a étudié la germanistique et vit à Berlin. Son premier roman England a paru en 2010. Heimlich, heimlich mich vergiß sera publié en français (trad. Marie Bouquet) par les éditions diaphanes. AT: Goethe Institut, Bibliothèque 17 avenue d’Iéna, Paris 16e (M° Iéna ou Trocadéro)

4 Mars à 19h30, LA MAISON DE L’ARGENTINE a le plaisir de vous inviter à la présentation du magazine DEF – GHI. DEF- GHI c’est un magazine argentin et indépendant dédié aux études culturelles, à la littérature et à l’art. Rassemble des essais, des poésies et des récits inédits en espagnol et portugais. Collaborateurs: María Ledesma, Diamela Eltit, Marcelo Cohen, Josefina Ludmer, Alfredo Grieco y Bavio, Alejandro Grimson, Angela Melim, Oliverio Coelho, Lucrecia Escudero, Paula Sibilia, Pere Salabert, Denilson Lopes, Lina Meruane, Milagros Salcedo-Roguet, Alan Mills, entre autres. Lectures de poèmes et musique. Intervenants : Mariano Dagatti et Julia Kratje. (Éditeurs) Activité en espagnol. Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles. AT: 27 A Boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris RER B & TRAM 3 Cité Universitaire

4 March 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. James Jewell is Spoken Word's Featured Reader tonight to launch his book just published by Corrupt Press and on sale for 4 euros. Hopefully we’ll also have stand up from Paul Salamone. Oh and the theme is PERSUASION.  Bio:
James Jewell is a singer songwriter, poet and writer, originally from Pennsylvania, who has spent much of the last two years living in Paris. There, he was inspired by writers and poets, from Spoken Word Paris, Shakespeare and Co., and Poets Live, to build a body of poetry and short fiction. His first publication is “Ships Made of Fake Fur” from Luxembourg publisher Corrupt Press. SPOKEN WORD PARIS history--Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday.  Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground from 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 3 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive.
To see Alberto’s report from last week’s SpokenWord (Hometown) is up on the blog: http://spokenwordparis.org/2013/02/28/report-from-february-25-hometown/ AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.spokenwordparis.org

6 March 16h We are thrilled to present musicians Cole Stacey and Joseph O’Keefe, who will be playing an intimate acoustic set in the library. After major UK tours, national radio airplay, festivals and shows with the likes of Midge Ure, Cara Dillon and Martin Simpson, acclaimed acoustic musicians Cole Stacey & Joseph O’Keefe released their debut joint album in November. ‘On Hire’ draws from their Devonshire acoustic routes, blended with Parisian café violins, and vortexes around a supple joining of acoustic guitars, voice and an array of weird and wonderful instruments. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

6 March 19h Rencontre avec FERIEL LALAMI pour son essai Les Algériennes contre le code de la famille : la lutte pour l’égalité (Pr. de Sciences Po) Le code de la famille (1984, et sa révision en trompe-l’œil en 2005) cristallise les actions menées par les Algériennes qui militent pour l’égalité. En dépit d’un environnement politique fait d’obstacles et de contrainte, celles-ci se sont organisées, se font entendre et les associations ont toujours su, avec pragmatisme, trouver de nouvelles ressources, en particulier au niveau international. Le livre de Feriel Lalami raconte la lutte des Algériennes pour le changement de leur statut, ponctué d’interrogations sur les perspectives d’avenir. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

7 March 19h Présentation du recueil de poèmes Vermeil: d'Alexandre Ritter, éditions Les Presses Littéraires.Présentation réalisée par Daniel-Henri Pageaux et Jérôme Fricker. « Ce qui compte par-dessus tout dans la poésie d’Alexandre Ritter, ce ne sont pas tant les idées en soi, car la jeunesse de l’auteur manque encore de l’expérience nécessaire pour un exercice autonome de la pensée, mais plutôt son incroyable capacité à façonner en formes définies le flux émotionnel qui nous traverse… » José Saramago. Alexandre Ritter (Mexique, 1993) est descendant d’éminents écrivains équatoriens, Alfonso Rumazo Gonzalez, historien et académicien et Lupe Rumazo, narratrice et essayiste.Événement proposé par l'Ambassade d’Équateur en France. AT: Maison de l'Amérique latine, 217 Boulevard Saint-Germain  75007 Métro: Solférino.

7 March, 19h Neil Gordon: The Company You Keep:: By invitation of the Center for Writers & Translators and the Department of Comparative Literature & English, Neil Gordon will read from and discuss his novel just published in French, The Company You Keep (Le Dernier d’entre nous). This novel, Neil Gordon’s third, has been made into a motion picture starring and directed by Robert Redford; the film will open in French cinemas later in March. AT: American University of Paris, Grand Salon, 31 av. Bosquet 75007

7 mars à 18h30 les éditions Turquoise sont heureuses de vous convier à une soirée autour de "Voix de Femmes" à l'occasion de la journée internationale de la femme et du printemps des poètes. Au programme, lecture de poèmes et dédicaces. AT : Institut du Monde Arabe,1, rue des Fossés Saint-Bernard, 75005 Paris. Pour avoir plus d'information : www.editions-turquoise.com

7 March 19h30-00h00 Paris Lit Up Open Mic night every Thursday (in English  or other languages too – when in Rome, speak French) Sign up is continuous all night, but first come first served from 19h30. The fun starts at 20h. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more or to see whether there are featured themes and readers: http://parislitup.com/open-mic-poetry/

10th March at 7.30 pm MOVING  PARTS presents a reading of a screenplay by Thomas Gatus “The Timely Death of Rudolph Bloc” A 16th century Old World vampire, trapped 400 years in glacial ice, awakens in the modern New World where kith and kin have implemented a semi-legal way to feed their needs. Rudolph, however, haunted by a lost past and frightened by technology, must confront a basic existential problem. With SACHA PETRONIJEVIC,  FREYA MOLLER-SORENSEN, DAVID HOVIS,  MICHAEL MARICONDI, ARMEN GEORGIAN,  MORGAN LAMORTE, and STEPHANIE CAMPION AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries, More info at: www.movingparts.org.uk

11 March 19h As the Oulipo celebrates its 60th anniversary, the avant-garde French literary group seems to be more on the cultural radar than ever before. The last few years have seen a panoply of English translations of Oulipian work, as well as two important critical works centering on the movement: Daniel Levin Becker's 'Many Subtle Channels' and Lauren Elkin/Scott Esposito's 'The End of Oulipo?: An Attempt to Exhaust a Movement'. Lauren Elkin, novelist and literary critic, is the co-author of 'The End of Oulipo?'. Joanna Walsh is a writer and artist and member of the Oulipo-related organisation, The London Institute of 'Pataphysics. In The End of Oulipo? Lauren and her co-author, literary critic Scott Esposito, consider the Oulipo’s strengths, weaknesses, and impact on today’s experimental literature. Lauren will read from the book, while Joanna will present a short and playful response to Oulipians, George Perec and Anne Garreta's, treatments of the problems of bookshelves and bookselves. They'll then have a short conversation/open Q&A touching on questions including: Why is the Oulipo so linked to performance? How do you solve a novel? Where might the novel be going, Oulipian or not? AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

11 March 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday.  Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground from 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 3 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.spokenwordparis.org

11 March -- 20h00 till late: EN FRANCAIS: Slam au Downtown Café is a weekly French open mic poetry night but other languages are welcome. Every Monday at: Downtown Cafe, 46 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris, Métro Parmentier/République/Oberkampf 

13 March 19h Hommage à CHARLOTTE DELBO en présence de VIOLAINE GELLY et PAUL GRADVOHL, auteurs de la biographie Charlotte Delbo (Fayard). Lecture par la comédienne CLOTILDE RAMONDOU Résistante communiste envoyée en déportation en 1943, Charlotte Delbo (1912-1985) écrira à son retour des poèmes, pièces de théâtre et récits remarquables qui ne seront publiés qu’à partir de 1961 selon sa volonté. Elle soulignera l’importance de la communauté, la solidarité dans le groupe des femmes et le destin commun de tous les déportés. Les auteurs de cette biographie passionnante avancent l’hypothèse de son appartenance au “deuxième sexe” pour expliquer le silence entourant son œuvre. De plus, ces récits parlent de façon différente des corps et de leur avilissement. Le centenaire de sa naissance est aussi l’occasion de la publication de ses Ecrits inédits (Fayard) qui paraîtront le jour même de la rencontre. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

13 March 19h30 Evenings with an Author: William Powers, Hamlet's Blackberry. Our computers and mobile devices do wonderful things for us. But they also impose a burden, making it harder for us to focus, do our best work, build strong relationships, and find the depth and fulfillment we crave. How to solve this problem? Hamlet’s BlackBerry argues that we just need a new way of thinking, an everyday philosophy for life with screens. William Powers sets out to solve what he calls the conundrum of connectedness. Reaching into the past—using his own life as laboratory and object lesson—he draws on some of history’s most brilliant thinkers, from Plato to Shakespeare to Thoreau, to demonstrate that digital connectedness serves us best when it’s balanced by its opposite, disconnectedness. Lively, original, and entertaining, Hamlet’s BlackBerry will challenge you to rethink your digital life. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

14 March 19h Thomas Pletzinger : La genèse d'un roman. Discussion et lecture avec l’auteur et Katja Petrovic. Le jeune écrivain Thomas Pletzinger, désormais reconnu en Allemagne comme appartenant au canon de la littérature germanophone contemporaine, est en résidence à Paris afin d’effectuer des recherches pour son prochain roman, actuellement en cours d’écriture. Son séjour dans la capitale lui permet d’explorer les lieux de l’action de son livre, de chercher les traces de ses personnages en devenir, de nourrir son inspiration et de trouver les mots pour décrire les images esquissées par son imagination. Thomas Pletzinger rendra compte de cette étape décisive du travail de l’écrivain et de sa place dans le processus d’écriture et lira en avant-première des extraits de son futur roman. Né à Münster en 1975, Thomas Pletzinger a étudié la langue et la culture américaines et travaillé dans différentes maisons d'édition et agences littéraires avant d'entrer à l'Institut de littérature de Leipzig. Son premier roman, Bestattung eines Hundes, paraît en 2008 et obtient plusieurs prix en Allemagne ; il est accueilli avec tout autant d’enthousiasme aux États-Unis en 2011. Pour écrire son essai Gentlemen, wir leben am Abgrund (2012), il a suivi pendant un an l’équipe de basket-ball berlinoise Alba. Thomas Pletzinger vit à Berlin et est membre du collectif Adler & Soehne Literaturproduktion. AT: Goethe Institut, Bibliothèque 17 avenue d’Iéna, Paris 16e (M° Iéna ou Trocadéro)

14 March 19h30-00h00 Paris Lit Up Open Mic night in English  or other languages too – when in Rome, speak French. Sign up is continuous all night, but first come first served from 19h30. The fun starts at 20h. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more or to see whether there are featured themes and readers: http://parislitup.com/open-mic-poetry/

16 mars à 18h00 l'hôtel Lutétia, avec les éditions Turquoise, organise une rencontre autour de l'anthologie "Non à la guerre". Au programme, lecture de poèmes, diaporama et dédicaces. "Les Samedis littéraires de hôtel Lutetia" AT : Hôtel Lutétia. Salons de lecture, 45, boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris. Pour avoir plus d'information : www.editions-turquoise.com

17 March 16h30 “Poètes du Québec à Paris” avec GENEVIÈVE BOUDREAU, DANIELLE FOURNIER, JEAN-PHILIPPE GAGNON et MADELEINE MONETTE. Encore trop méconnue en France, la poésie québécoise (comme la littérature) mérite évidemment qu’on s’y arrête. Les quatre poètes qui feront une lecture d’extraits de leur œuvre ont des projets divers, mais toutes sont publiées aux éditions de l’Hexagone. Acquiescer au désordre, premier recueil de G. Boudreau originaire des îles de la Madeleine, est habité par la mer, la ville et l’archipel. D. Fournier a publié de nombreux livres de poésie au Québec et en France et a obtenu le Prix du Gouverneur général en 2010 pour effleurés de lumière où elle explore les deux facettes d’un même ego. J-P. Gagnon, qui est aussi jeune chercheur à la chaire d’esthétique et de poétique de l’UQAM, explore la “chair et le cœur” à partir de la figure de Minerve dans son dernier livre Au fond de l’air. M. Monette, qui vit à New York et est membre de l’Académie des lettres du Québec, a publié plusieurs romans ; son premier recueil de poésie Ciel à outrances (2013) s’ancre dans l’actualité du début de ce siècle. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

17 March 18h "Parole d'onore" Durée 55 minutes. Joué en ANGLAIS (le 7 et 21 mars). Le comédien italien Marco Gambino dit les paroles des repentis de la mafia, Toto Riina, Tomasso Buscetta Michele Greco, telles que les a retranscrites, à l'état brut, le journaliste Attilio Bolzoni : glanées lors des procès ou au fil des interviews qu'il mène depuis trente ans, ces sentences sans fioritures nous plongent au coeur même du raisonnement mafieux qui n'est pas seulement une langue ou un code, mais un exercice d'intelligence, Tarif à 13 euros. Réserverwordsaliveo@gmail.com Le spectacle joue jusqu'au 23 mars. Tarif Ami Words Alive O à 13 euros pour toutes les dates. Réserver avec le théâtre. Ou 10 euros sur Billetreduc  AT: Théâtre Les Déchargeurs. 3, rue Déchargeurs 75001 Paris M° Chatelet - Sortie rue de Rivoli. Plan

18 March 7pm. THE BIG PARIS LAUNCH for Lisa Pasold and Jennifer K Dick of their most recent poetry books! Please join us for a reading and chat with the authors as well as a visit with local Montmartre artist Nassim Al-Amin in the lovely home-gallery space "Chez Grace" BIOS: Lisa Pasold is a Canadian writer and journalist who divides her time between Paris and Toronto with increasing pit stops in New Orleans. Her most recent book is ANY BRIGHT HORSE. Her first book of poetry WEAVE, was hailed as a masterpiece by Geist.  Her second book of poetry, A BAD YEAR FOR JOURNALISTS, was nominated for an Alberta Book Award. The Globe and Mail called this new poetry collection "critical, darkly funny and painstakingly lyrical."  Her debut novel, RATS OF LAS VEGAS, was described as "enticing as the lit-up Las Vegas strip and as satisfying as a winning hand at poker" by The Winnipeg Free Press. As a journalist, Lisa has published articles in newspapers and magazines such as The Globe and Mail, The Chicago Tribune, The National Post, Billboard Magazine and The San Francisco Chronicle. She has also written for guidebooks such as Fodor's, Time Out, and Michelin. For more on Lisa Pasold see http://lisapasold.com/about/ Jennifer K Dick is a published author of poetry and prose and a translator of French poets. Her books include "Fluorescence" (University of Georgia Press, 2004), "Circuits" (Corrupt Press, 2013) and the eBook "Enclosures" (BlazeVox eBooks, 2007) as well as 3 chapbooks (Betwixt from Corrupt Press, 2012, Tracery from Dusie Press, 2012 and Retina/Rétine from Esteppa editions, 2005) and inclusion in 6 anthologies--most recently 12x12: Conversations in Contemporary Poetry and Poetics (Univ of IA Press). She is also the co-editor with Stephanie Schwerter of "Transmissibility and Cultural Transfer: Dimensions of Translation in the Humanities" (Ibidem Verlag, Stuttgart, 2012) and a poetry editor for the Amsterdam-based lit mag VERSAL. For more, see Jennifer's blog http://jenniferkdick.blogspot.fr/ ARTIST Bio forthcoming--There will be an expo by Nassim Al-Amin for the event and on March 16-17--check out the Chez Grace Meetup space for info on that. Will Jen and Lisa write new poems for this artist Nassim Al-Amin? Maybe!!! Probably!!! Come and find out. AT: chez Grace, 46 rue des Abesses, 75018, 3rd floor, FB event announcement at: https://www.facebook.com/events/382664958508080/

18 March 19h  Continents noirs, Ed Gallimard: Table ronde avec Eugène Ebodé pour La Rose dans le bus jaune, Mamadou Mahmoud N'Dongo pour Remington, Jean-François Samlong pour Une guillotine dans un train de nuit, Amal Sewtohul pour Made in Mauritius animée par Jacques Chevrier, Professeur émérite à la Sorbonne, Président du Prix Ahmadou Kourouma et en présence de Jean-Noël Schifano. Ouverture et clôture de la soirée sur les airs du new blues de Ruth Tafébé Sur inscriptions : alain.deroudilhe@gallimard.fr AT: Maison de l'Amérique latine, 217 Boulevard Saint-Germain  75007 Métro: Solférino.

18 March 19h Join International Writer's Conference Revisited: Edinburgh, 1962 editors Angela Bartie and Eleanor Bell in this commemorative event, as they talk with the original Conference organisers - pioneering publisher John Calder and seminal arts figure Jim Haynes - about their memories of the ground-breaking 1962 International Writers' Conference. Traveling from all corners of the globe, delegates included Norman Mailer, Henry Miller, William Burroughs, Hugh MacDiarmid, Muriel Spark, Alexander Trocchi, Lawrence Durrell, Stephen Spender, Erich Fried and Khushwant Singh. Heady and confrontational, the “Roman amphitheatre” environment of the city’s McEwan Hall saw fierce discussion of censorship, the future of the novel, and more. Enthralling the 2000-strong daily audience, and filling the front pages of Britain’s national newspapers and beyond, the Conference made literary history. The Writers’ Conference Revisited: Edinburgh, 1962 presents a unique fusion of literary and historical materials to commemorate the cultural legacy of the Conference and all its controversy. Experts Dr Angela Bartie and Dr Eleanor Bell introduce and explore the Conference through a selection of fascinating sources. Featuring never-before-published original transcripts, highlights from the 1962 Conference programme, scrapbook-style press cuttings, and writing from attendees William Burroughs and Edwin Morgan, the book also brings us into the present. Comprising new interviews with John Calder and Jim Haynes, and artist Sandy Moffat, reflections from figures including Jenni Calder and Joan Lingard also enable 1962 to be vividly experienced like never before. This landmark book also showcases never-before-seen photographs, giving an exclusive visual glimpse into the action, both on and off stage, of the definitive literary event of the twentieth century. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

18 March 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday.  Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground from 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 3 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.spokenwordparis.org

19 March 12h30 La «Formule Bistrot» vous invite à vous sustenter l’esprit lors d’une pause déjeuner en compagnie d’un auteur. Casse-croûte et café compris. Cette rencontre est l’occasion de parcourir l’œuvre de Nicole Malinconi, auteure majeure de la littérature belge contemporaine. Son premier livre, Hôpital silence (Editions de Minuit, 1985) est salué par Marguerite Duras qui en rédige la préface. En 1993, elle reçoit le prix Rossel pour son roman Nous deux (Eperonniers). Paru en 2012, Séparation (Les liens qui libèrent) aborde l’expérience cruciale du moment final de la cure psychanalytique. L’exposition « ARTS DU LIVRE – Savoir-faire en Wallonie et à Bruxelles » met en valeur deux de ses ouvrages poétiques publiés chez & Esperluète Editions, Les oiseaux de Messiaen et La porte de Cézanne.  AT: Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Salle de Spectacle, 46 Rue Quincampoix 75003 Métro: Rambuteau et Les Halles

19 March 19h30 100% bilingual reading for IVY Writers Paris with visiting American poets Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Dot Devota, Brandon Shimoda and Zachary Schomburg reading with translations into French of their works by French authors and translators Virginie Poitrasson, Jacques Rebotier, Paul LaBorde and Martin Richet (Richet tbConfirmed). BIOS: JOSHUA MARIE WILKINSON is the author of five books, including Lug Your Careless Body out of the Careful Dusk (University of Iowa Press 2006) and The Book of Whispering in the Projection Booth (Tupelo Press 2009). His poems have appeared in numerous reviews and anthologies including American Letters & CommentaryBoston ReviewChicago Sun-TimesJubilatNew American WritingVerse, three Diagram anthologies (New Michigan Press), Poets on Painters (Wichita State 2007), A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line (University of Iowa Press 2011), and The Sonnets: Rewriting Shakespeare (Nightboat Books 2012). New work will appear in the expanded Postmodern American Poetry (W.W. Norton 2013), HERE*NOW (University of Alabama Press 2013) and How Some Children Played at Slaughtering (Works on Paper Press 2013). Since 2006, he has been at work on a five-book sequence of poetry called the No Volta pentalogy, including Selenography, with Polaroids by Tim Rutili (Sidebrow Books 2010); Swamp Isthmus (Black Ocean 2013); and The Courier's Archive & Hymnal (Sidebrow Books 2014).  In 2007, he cofounded Letter Machine Editions, also edits the poetry and poetics site The Volta and is the editor of two anthologies published by University of Iowa Press.  ZACHARY SCHOMBURG lives in Portland, Oregon, and is the author of The Man Suit (2007), Scary, No Scary (2009), Fjords vol. 1 (2012), and a forthcoming book called The Book of Joshua. He is currently translating a book of french poems by Jacques Rebotier called Quelques Animaux de Transport et de Compagnie (Harpo &, 2004). He also co-edits Octopus Books. He was born in 1977 and is still not quite dead.  From the Midwest, the poet DOT DEVOTA was born into a family of ranchers and rodeo stars. She is the author of And the Girls Worried Terribly (Noemi Press, 2013), The Eternal Wall (Cannibal Books, 2010), and MW: A Midwest Field Guide (Editions19\). Her poems and nonfiction most recently appear in Make Magazine, Volt, Denver Quarterly, Word For/Word, and Tarpaulin Sky, with translations into Arabic for the political daily As-Safir. Receiving an MFA from the University of Montana and a BA in English and Sociology from the University of Arizona, she has taught at multiple universities and colleges in the states. Currently she co-directs The Kaohsiung Summer Institute for Writing and the Arts in Taiwan and travels full time. BRANDON SHIMODA is the author of four books of poetry—Portuguese (Octopus Books & Tin House, 2013), O Bon (Litmus Press, 2011), The Girl Without Arms (Black Ocean, 2011), and The Alps (Flim Forum Press, 2008) as well as numerous limited editions of collaborations, drawings, writings, and songs. He has curated, edited, read, taught and/or worked for the Aldrich Museum, CutBank, Fence Magazine/Fence Books, Kaohsiung American School, the Missoula Art Museum, the University of Montana Creative Writing Program, Muthafucka, the New Lakes Reading Series, Octopus Books & Octopus Magazine, Slope, the University of Arizona Poetry Center, and Wave Books. He has read publicly throughout the United States, in Beirut and Damascus—where his poems were translated into Arabic—and Tokyo. With poet-critic Thom Donovan, he is co-editing a retrospective collection of writings by Paris-based poet-painter Etel Adnan. He is currently working on a fifth book of poetry (titled, Evening Oracle); a multi-volume book of poems, prose, drawings and a questionnaire (titled, A Giant Asleep in Fortune’s Spindle); and a documentary/book on the life of his paternal grandfather Midori Shimoda (titled, The Grave on the Wall), which he hopes to finish by his 40th birthday, on August 6, 2018. You can find Brandon at hiroshimalibrary.tumblr.com and vispoetica.tumblr.com. The reading will take place AT: DELAVILLE cafe, 34 blvd Bonne Nouvelle, 75010 Paris, M° Bonne Nouvelle, for more see: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr/2013/02/19-mar-2013-joshua-marie-wilkinson-dot.html or Join our FB group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/?ref=ts&fref=ts

20 March 15h Children’s Hour – music, rhythm and stories for kids: Bring your children (2-6 year-olds, siblings welcome too) to the library at Shakespeare and Company for an hour of music, songs and stories in English (for all nationalities, even those who don't speak English). Led by the magic Kate Stables, mum and singer/songwriter from This is the Kit, this lovely event is fast becoming an institution. There will be instruments to play and a lot of noise to make! Four euros donation appreciated AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

20 March 19h Le Chant de Neruda : Hommage à Pablo Neruda (1904-1973). Portrait de Pablo Neruda par Francis Combes illustré par des lectures en  français et espagnol par Charles Gonzalès (comédien) suivi de poèmes mis en chanson et en musique par Luis Rigou. En association avec les éditions Le temps des Cerises, qui publient en bilingue La Chanson de geste un long poème inédit de Pablo Neruda, en présence de Jean-Pierre Siméon, directeur artistique du Printemps des Poètes. Sur inscription uniquement : 06 85 66 31 02 ou Lagradiva-librairie@wanadoo.fr. Association La Gradiva en partenariat avec le Printemps des Poètes (15e édition). AT: Maison de l'Amérique latine, 217 Boulevard Saint-Germain  75007 Métro: Solférino.

20 March 19h Rencontre avec CHRISTINE DELPHY pour l’essai de ANDREA DWORKIN qu’elle a préfacé Les femmes de droite (remue-ménage, coll. Observatoire de l’antiféminisme) A. Dworkin (1946-2005) a été écrivaine et militante féministe radicale célèbre pour ses critiques de la pornographie. En français, nous ne connaissions que son livre Pouvoir et violence sexiste ; voici maintenant un essai qui tente de comprendre pourquoi des femmes rejettent le féminisme et n’hésitent pas à se montrer racistes et homophobes. Elles font le pari de prendre le parti du patriarcat et de se conformer aux rôles traditionnels en échange d’une promesse de sécurité, de respect et d’amour. Mais cet antiféminisme se fonde sur le mépris des femmes et ignore volontairement la violence meurtrière du système. En présence de MÉLISSA BLAIS et FRANCIS DUPUIS-DÉRI (directeur de la collection). AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

20 March— 20h Unstrung Letter Y – Des yoyos aux yéyés: A Brief History Of Postwar French Popular Music with Victor Based on a series of miniaturized history lessons held at the open mic nights in Paris from December 2012 to March 2013, A Brief History Of Postwar French Popular Music is a cultural studies lecture in verse. Framed as a poem in tight alexandrines (in English), the lesson is punctuated with live renditions of referenced songs (in French). Expect a subjective, somewhat insolent and completely out-of-the-box analysis of the French musical tradition, a sweeping portrait from the underground scene in the cellars of Saint-Germain-des-Prés to the contemporary music industry. Unstrung Letters is an informal lecture series. It’s critical (some one presents an opinion, takes a stance); it’s casual (it’s in a dingy bar). It’s in Paris. It’s in English. If you’re in Paris, come by. If you’re not, follow their Facebook group for photos, summaries of the talks and silly intellectual activity. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Paris. Free

20 March 21h Pablo Neruda: Spectacle de Florence Jacq, poète et Ivan Quintero, guitariste Poètes à Paris et le Printemps des Poètes. AT: Maison de l'Amérique latine, 217 Boulevard Saint-Germain  75007 Métro: Solférino.

21 March 19h Judith Schalansky : L'inconstance de l'espèce. En coopération avec l'Office franco-allemand pour la jeunesse. Lecture et discussion avec l’auteure et son traducteur Matthieu Dumont. Modération : Katja Petrovic. Inge Lohmark est professeur de biologie dans une région de l’ex-RDA, aujourd’hui en proie à une extrême précarité économique et morale. Obnubilé par la vision scientifique de tout ce qui l’entoure, son esprit commence insidieusement à se détraquer et, tandis que des actes cruels se produisent au sein de l’école, des pensées étranges l’assaillent : le portrait drôle et cruel d’une femme en complet décalage, dans un monde qui touche à sa fin. Brillant tour de force stylistique et psychologique d’une des voix les plus éclatantes de la jeune littérature d’outre-Rhin, L’Inconstance de l’espèce donne à voir un autre visage de l’Allemagne contemporaine. Judith Schalansky (Greifswald, 1980) a étudié l’histoire de l’art et le graphisme. Son premier roman, Blau steht dir nicht paraît en 2008. Elle porte toujours une attention particulière à la forme de ses romans, en concevant couverture, mise en page et typographie. Elle a ainsi reçu à deux reprises le Prix des plus beaux livres allemands de la fondation Buchkunst, notamment en 2012 pour Der Hals der Giraffe, également nominé pour le Prix du Livre Allemand 2011. AT: Goethe Institut, Bibliothèque 17 avenue d’Iéna, Paris 16e (M° Iéna ou Trocadéro)

21 March 19h30-00h00 Paris Lit Up Open Mic night in English  or other languages too – when in Rome, speak French. Sign up is continuous all night, but first come first served from 19h30. The fun starts at 20h. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more or to see whether there are featured themes and readers: http://parislitup.com/open-mic-poetry/

22 March 19h30 Evening with Authors at Martha's Place. Reading featuring Stephen Dau, Gerald Fleming, Jeffrey Greene, Anne Marsella, Harriet Lye and Rosa Rankin-Gee. Bios forthcoming. AT: 26 Rue De Chalet 75010 Porte bronzé

22 March 20h30 After a short winter break Poets-Live is back for the Printemps des Poètes with a (Friday) evening of poetry and song, featuring guest Kerry Featherstone from the UK and the two Paris based poets, Pansy Maurer-Alvarez and Rufo Quintavalle. There will be a book/CD table as well as a drinks table. BIOS: Kerry Featherstone is a poet, songwriter and Lecturer in Creative Writing at Loughborough University. His poems have been published in journals such as Cleaves, The Journal and Tears in the Fence. Kerry has lived and worked in France, and writes poetry and song-lyrics in French and English. Recent poems based on his translation of a novel by Ingrid Thobois appeared in the Parnassus edition of Modern Poetry in Translation. He is also working on a novel set in the Vendée. The CD ‘Concealed Exit’ by his band ‘The Orange’ is available on itunes and amazon. It features the double-bass playing of Chris Poole, and guest musicians on strings and flute. The Orange have played at a range of clubs, venues and festivals, including supporting Richard Shindell on his last UK tour. Kerry will be playing a solo set of songs from Concealed Exit plus some new ones.Pansy Maurer-Alvarez was born in Puerto Rico, grew up in Pennsylvania and has lived in Europe since 1973. She did her literary studies at universities in the US, Spain and later in Switzerland, where she worked for a time as a teacher and translator. She began writing full time and publishing widely after moving to Paris, over 20 years ago. Her poetry has appeared in several anthologies and numerous magazines throughout Europe and the States and some of her poems have been translated into French, German and Spanish. She has read at venues in France, the UK and the US and has lead workshops in the UK. Her collections are: Dolores: The Alpine Years and When the Body Says It’s Leaving (both from Hanging Loose Press, Brooklyn); Lovers Eternally Nearing, a fine press collaboration with the Swiss artist Walter Ehrismann, with German translations by Rudolf Bähler (Editions Thomas Howeg, Zurich) and Ant-Small and Amorous, with French translations by Anne Talvaz (corrupt press, Paris). Rufo Quintavalle was born in London in 1978, studied at Oxford and the University of Iowa and now lives in Paris. He is the author of Make Nothing Happen (Oystercatcher Press, 2009), Dog, cock, ape and viper (corrupt press, 2011) and Liquiddity (Oystercatcher Press, 2011). From 2009 until 2012 he was poetry editor for the award-winning webzine, Nthposition. His work has been widely published in print and online journals around the world and has been nominated for both the Michael Marks Award and the Pushcart Prize. AT: le BAL, 6 Impasse de la Défense 75018 Métro: Place de Clichy

22 MARCH and 23 MARCH at 20h30 the International Players are pleased to present a double bill:  "MIXED DOUBLES" and "DECKCHAIRS".This is a theatrical exploration of relationships with all their complications and in almost every permutation. Acerbic, witty and touching. Everyday, humdrum; revealing, concealing; beginnings and endings. Weddings just celebrated, funerals anticipated, deceptions and disappointments. Some of Britain's finest playwrights give us a laser glimpse of the human condition à deux. These sketches reveal some of the many aspects of relationships parental, marital and between friends. AT: MAISON DES ASSOCIATIONS, 3 rue de la Republique 78100 St Germain en Laye, All tickets 10 euros, reservations:  06 37 46 05 25 and on line http://www.internationalplayers.co.uk/ip/tickets.php

24th March at 7.30 pm MOVING  PARTS presents a reading of a stage play by Roderick Ford called "Tenebrae” Programme subject to change, Check the website for the latest version:www.movingparts.org.uk or send an e-mail to the movingpartsparis address at gmail.com AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries, For further information contact : Stephanie Campion on : 06 14 67 18 58

25 March 19h We are delighted to welcome the brilliant The Bookshop Band to our bookshop in Paris! Formed in late September 2010 by Poppy Pitt, Beth Porter and Ben Please, The Bookshop Band write songs inspired by books, and play them in bookshops. Supported by Vintage Books, the band went on a tour of independent bookshops around the UK in 2012. Over this period they were featured on 6Music / The Today Program / Front Row / BBC 1 News / The Guardian among others. They have written songs based on many, many books, including Embassytown by China Miéville, Pure by Andrew Miller, and The Hare with the Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal. We cannot wait to hear them play their sweet literary music…! AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

25 March 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday.  Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground from 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 3 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.spokenwordparis.org

25 March -- 20h00 till late: EN FRANCAIS: Slam au Downtown Café is a weekly French open mic poetry night but other languages are welcome. Every Monday at: Downtown Cafe, 46 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris, Métro Parmentier/République/Oberkampf

27 March 19h Rencontre avec ANNE LARUE pour son essai Dis papa, c’était quoi le patriarcat ? (éd.iXe) Cet essai envisage le patriarcat comme une “mégacivilisation” confondue avec l’ordre du monde, mais dont le manteau craque aux coutures. Par une prodigieuse opération de propagande, dont les “grands textes fondateurs” font partie, il a imposé sa conception de la vie, de la mort, de l’art. A. Larue propose une relecture décapante des best-sellers patriarcaux du passé, assortie d’un examen panoramique des comics américains, de la littérature contre-utopique et de la science-fiction. A. Larue, professeure de littérature, arts et culture, est l’auteure de nombreux essais. Elle a aussi publié un roman de cyber-fantasy féministe La vestale du Calix. Geneviève Pruvost signe l’avant-propos de cet essai.AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

27 March 19h30 Explorations théâtrales en Amérique latine: Avec Gabriel Calderón,  Adel Hakim et Françoise Thanas traductrice;  modérateur de la rencontre Georges Couffignal. Montevideo n’est pas Buenos Aires dont la floraison de spectacles est presque aussi importante qu’à Paris ou à Londres. Mais il y a là, une vitalité artistique importante. Et des écritures scéniques qui savent être inventives, novatrices, sans jamais perdre de vue la relation avec le réel social et politique. Un contexte qui permet l’émergence d’artistes comme Gabriel Calderón dont les pièces ont été traduites en allemand, en anglais et en portugais et jouées en Argentine, au Brésil, au Panama, au Pérou, en Espagne, en Colombie, aux Etats-Unis et au Mexique.
 Radical ?Le regard de Gabriel Calderón ne porte pas seulement sur son pays. Lorsqu’il parle d’un village ou d’une famille, à travers eux, il relate des phénomènes mondiaux. Le tout avec une prise de position de “nouvelle génération” qui ouvre sur un renouveau du théâtre et de sa nécessité sociale. En Uruguay le vote des citoyens est obligatoire, de sorte que les thèmes et les projets politiques se trouvent toujours au premier plan des discussions. Aussi, lorsque Gabriel, dans ses pièces, prend des positions radicales et engagées à travers l’humour, l’ironie, la satire, il ne le fait pas sur une page blanche mais au milieu de vertiges et de tourmentes. La radicalité du contenu et de la forme de ses oeuvres ainsi que la provocation sont alors nécessaires pour être écouté et pour instaurer un débat générationnel. L’Amérique Latine est, on le sait, à la fois très connectée à une forme d’imaginaire qui lui est propre (en abordant Calderón, on pense à Copi), comme à une histoire politique et de civilisation qui nous semble connue et qui pourtant nous demeure lointaine… Avec le Théâtre des Quartiers d'Ivry AT: Maison de l'Amérique latine, 217 Boulevard Saint-Germain  75007 Métro: Solférino.

28 Ma
rch 20h  "Josefa"  Joué en français. Durée 1h15. C’est l’histoire d’une jeune femme Emilie qui débarque sur Paris avec sa valise pour faire du Théâtre. Une fois à l ‘école on lui dit qu’elle a de belles jambes, une bouche, des cheveux, une poitrine. “ Et alors... j’en fait quoi avec ça ?”. Elle décide de raconter l’histoire de sa grand-mère Josefa et s’embarque dans des délires de présentations à l’école. Tarif à 10 euros. Réserver wordsaliveo@gmail.com Le spectacle joue du 20 mars au 6 avril - Tarif Ami Words Alive O à 10 euros pour toutes les dates. Réserver avec le théâtre. AT: Théâtre La Boutonnière 25, rue Popincourt 75011 Paris M° St. Ambroise / Voltaire / Richard Lenoir. PLAN

28 March 19h30-00h00 Paris Lit Up Open Mic night every Thursday (in English  or other languages too – when in Rome, speak French) Sign up is continuous all night, but first come first served from 19h30. The fun starts at 20h. Rotating hosts Jason Mc Gimsey, Kate Noakes, Emily Ruck-Keene. AT: the historic home of French Slam poetry, Culture Rapide, at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more or to see whether there are featured themes and readers: http://parislitup.com/open-mic-poetry/

2 April 2013 MARILYN HACKER and HABIB TENGOUR will read for Ivy Writers Paris. Please keep your eye on the ivy site for more information and bios of these authors which should be posted around the 20th of March. The reading will take place AT: DELAVILLE cafe, 34 blvd Bonne Nouvelle, 75010 Paris, M° Bonne Nouvelle, for more see: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr/ or join our FB group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/?ref=ts&fref=ts

Part II) Workshops and classes in Paris

Samedi 9 et 23 mars de 11h à 13h
Atelier d’écriture animé par CATHERINE BÉDARIDA Catherine Bédarida, écrivain et journaliste (Le Monde, Mouvement) organise des ateliers d’écriture créative avec des institutions culturelles et associatives. L’atelier à Violette and Co offre un lieu solidaire pour écrire en toute liberté quelque soit son expérience. En partant de thèmes variés et de pistes de réflexion en lien avec les questions de genre, de minorités sexuelles et adossés à l’expérience littéraire féministe, l’atelier permet d’explorer et d’inventer ses propres mots. Horaires : un samedi sur deux, de 11h à 13h. L’inscription ponctuelle en cours d’année est possible. Tarif : 20 € par atelier. Renseignements et inscriptions : catherine.bedarida@leboutdelalangue.com
Saturdays: 9, 16 March 
17h-19h Text, Sound Impro Theatre Workshop in English - Niveau Intermédaire. 35, rue St. Roch 75001 Paris. Inscription / Please confirm your presence to wordsaliveo@gmail.com or 06 37 66 27 98 AUTRES COURS sur www.wordsaliveo.info

Weds / Thurs OR Fridays:
Words Alive Theater Workshops: Les jeudis 18h15-19h30 - Faux-Débutant - REPRISE le jeudi 10 janvier (35, rue St. Roch 75001 Paris, M° Pyramides ou Tuileries. Plan)
Les vendredis 20h-22h - Workshop. REPRISE le vendredi 11 janvier. (23, rue de la Sourdière 1er 4ème ét. M° Pyramides ou Tuileries. Plan)
Les mercredis 20h15-21h45 - Intermédiaire - REPRISE le mercredi 16 janvier. (23, rue de la Sourdière 1er 4ème ét.M° Pyramides ou Tuileries. Plan)
Pour les nouveaux nouveaux participants pas encore inscrits, merci de bien vouloir confirmer votre présence par retour email.   wordsaliveo@gmail.com

5pm-7pm The Other Writers' Group: a drop-in feedback writing and readers’ workshop. Writers! Bring 6 copies of your story, poems, etc to get feedback (up to about 10 mins reading time for prose, max 2 or 3 pages of poetry) Readers! Come & listen, give your reaction & join in the discussion. Meets: upstairs at Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de le Bucherie, Metro St Michel or Maubert Mutualite. ATTENTION: Shakespeare and Co will be closed from the 16th-31st so check Spoken Word's website for more information. Fee; 5 euros a meeting

Paris Lit Up Writing Workshop A drop-in workshop led by Kate Noakes on the first Sunday of every month at 12h30 – 14h30 in the Library at Shakespeare and Company. It is open to everyone, beginner to prize winner, and is designed to get you writing prose and poetry. Kate provides ideas and writing prompts on a theme each month. It is not a feedback workshop. Kate has an MPhil in Creative Writing from the University of Glamorgan, has published three books of poetry and has taught creative writing for Oxford University. She is presently working on a novel. Further information about her is on her blog. The workshop cost is a suggested donation of 10 Euros. All you need to do is bring is writing equipment and something to lean on. ATTENTION: Shakespeare and Co will be closed from the 16th-31st March

Mondays March 18, 25: April 8, 15, 22
Paris Vignettes: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events: Mondays This 5-week writing workshop allows participants to hone their writing skills though the creation of vignettes: short scenes that focus on a moment, a character, an encounter, an idea or a place. Our experiences and encounters in Paris are too often interpreted or recorded in terms of tourism and clichés. By understanding how to create vignettes, writers are able to go beyond that by examining moments, encounters and events that reveal far more about life, travel, place, strangers, our relationships and ourselves. Though the emphasis of this workshop will be on vignettes of up to 1500 words, participants will learn the importance of scene work that will then enhance their writing of longer works of fiction, non-fiction and memoir. The techniques of a successful vignette are also extremely useful for those interested in writing unique blogs. Participants will complete and then rewrite at least one vignette per week. Instructor: Gary Lee Kraut is the editor of the online travel and culture magazine France Revisited, www.FranceRevisited.com. He is the author of five travel guides to France and Paris as well as numerous articles, essays, short stories, and op-ed pieces concerning travel, culture, cross-culture and expatriate life. He has taught creative writing and travel writing and has lectured extensively in the United States and France.For more information or to register, click here.

Part III) News reviews and reviews news
Summer Literary Seminars deadline 9 March--SUBMIT NOW: Summer Literary Seminars is very excited to announce our 2013 unified (Lithuania and Kenya) literary contest! It will be held this year in affiliation with Fence Magazine and The Walrus. Joining us will be the dynamic online magazines Joyland, Branch, and DIAGRAM; We are also thrilled to continue our three new partnerships, with prizes sponsored by the Center for Fiction, St. Petersburg Review, and the esteemed Graywolf Press. Judging the contest are award-winning writers Mary Gaitskill (fiction), Eileen Myles (poetry), and Ander Monson (non fiction). NEW In memory of our dear friend, SLS is proud to announce the first annual Arkadii Dragomoshchenko Prize for Innovative Poetry judged by Charles Bernstein Also NEW In honor of the centennial of Abraham Sutzkever's birth, SLS Lithuania is proud to announce the Sutzkever Centennial Translation Prize, to be judged by Ed Hirsch. FULL GUIDELINES at http://sumlitsem.org/contest.html

5 OVER 4. New multimedia journal seeks cross-genre work made by jazzy, creative people who embrace the unknown. Poetry videos, multi-media sculpture, hand-stitched book art, JPEGs collaged with audio, sound poems via video chat, interactive projects. Live and online events. Website: 5over4.blogspot.com, E-mail Monique Avakian: monava9@gmail.com.

Jen Dick's new collection Circuits is now on sale from Corrupt Press! About Circuits:
In Circuits, Jennifer K. Dick engagingly writes—as in thinking around—how the idea of neural biology, brain research, technological advancement, and literature impact on the epistemological us of us. Is this our world, or our re-created world we are looking into while it is starring back at us head on? This is mutual co-creation—relation—reflection, where the author restlessly lands one precise word at a time only to move off quickly like a neural firing—which jolts, as poetry does best, the reader’s wires into new thinking! To have this book included in one’s library is a “no-brainer”—so to speak. Joe Ross  Memory as the revel of physical bonds. Memory as a space broken into by time. Memory as the morning dew of places. Memory as the electrical map of traces. In Jennifer K. Dick’s Circuits, memory inks the pathways of reading into—as in rereading ourselves, as in remembering our bodies, as in rewriting the earthbound motherboard. A procedural tour de force—both an inhabitation and absorption of neurologist George Johnson’s seminal In the Palaces of Memory—Dick’s Circuits seeks the physical pulse that links information to duration. Turkish spices, clatter of China, there’s a story to be told about the mapping of the brain, meaning Lynch, Cooper, Johnson, meaning love, Paris, Northampton, meaning enzymes in mutiny, chemicals with Kinase C. Language comes to rescue the mouth from obscurity: “A particle and its physics explains why candles were the roads and parks emptied, blurring up the slick-with-guilt.” Turns out nothing is obscure and everything’s connected; theory is alive in the substance of the wiring, and Jennifer K. Dick is writing the code. Matthew Cooperman.  Order your copy here.Or pick one up at Shakespeare and Co

- CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS TO SPOKENWORD'S MAGAZINE - DEADLINE 7TH MARCH: We’re looking for submissions of poetry and prose for The Bastille – the Lit Magazine of SpokenWord Paris. We’d especially like to document what goes on at the event and publish people who come to it. Deadline: March 7th 2013. Submission Guidelines: The Bastille is an upstart literary magazine created from the anglo writing scene in Paris. It is a platform for poetry, satire, flash fiction, novel excerpts and short stories. Our editorial staff is eclectic, to say the least, so our tastes run wide and deep. For your best chance at being pulled from the pile and printed on our pages, send us a single .doc (not .docx) or .rtf document and choose examples of your work that are sharp, tight, as strong as whisky, darkly visionary, caustically witty, perhaps even tormented to the point of being tormenting. Contributions from writers who have actively participated at SpokenWord Paris events will be favoured although we welcome submissions from far and wide. Submit up to three unpublished poems up to 40 lines each. Flash fiction, short stories, novel excerpts, and serialized stories up to 3,000 words. Please include a 50 word bio with all submissions. Send all submissions in a SINGLE .DOC or .RTF document to themag.paris AT gmail DOT com Please – not .docx!! Simultaneous submissions fine, but we don’t publish stuff that has already been published so tell us a.s.a.p. if your work is accepted elsewhere.

“4X4″ Chapbook Award:
The 4X4 Chapbook Award will go to four writers whose work exemplifies and challenges the delocalizing and temporary poetics of Furniture Press Books. On each solstice and equinox in 2014 (March 20, June 21, September 23 and December 21), we will release one chapbook by each of the four winners. Each chapbook will be evaluated and chosen by one writer from the Furniture Press Books catalogue. The first contest, "1X4," will be open from March 1 to April 30, 2013 and will be judged by j/j hastain, author of "myrrh to re all myth" 2X4, the second, will be open from May 1 to June 30, 2013, 3X4, the third, will be open from September 1 to October 31, 2013. 4X4, the last, will be open from November 1 to December 31, 2013. The fee for the prize is $10. Winners will receive ten copies of their chapbook, and each participant will receive a copy of the chapbook. Winners of the prize must wait one year before submitting another manuscript. Manuscripts can be mailed to 4×4poetryaward@gmail.com with the following subject line: Name / Manuscript Title / Prize Number (ex. 1X4, 2014), or mailed to the following address, with a check made out to Furniture Press Books: Furniture Press Books, 2026 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21211. http://furniturepressbooks.com/furniture-press-poetry-prize/

NOW OUT--Jacinta Nandi's new book is out with a launch event in BERLIN in March! Keep an eye out! /www.jacinta-nandi.de

SUBMIT NONFICTION: FOR A SPECIAL “The Human Face of Sustainability” issue, Creative Nonfiction and ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability are looking for nonfiction that illuminates environmental, economic, ethical and/or social challenges related to the state of the planet and our future. Deadline May 31; $10,000 for best essay. Guidelines at www.creativenonfiction.org/submit.

For COMICS FANS and POETS!!! MINOR ARCANA PRESS is currently welcoming submissions of poems related to superheroes and superhero mythology for a new anthology titled Drawn to Marvel. Deadline for submissions: May 15. The anthology is edited by Bryan D. Dietrich and Marta Ferguson. Please send poems with the subject Super Poems to kryptonnights@yahoo.com.

NOW OUT-- Tales of a Severed Head, new translation of Moroccan poet Rachida Madani by Paris-based poet Marilyn Hacker:  This volume brings Moroccan poet Rachida Madani's remarkable poems to English-language readers for the first time. In Tales of a Severed Head, Madani addresses present-day issues surrounding the role of women in society—issues not unlike those explored a thousand years ago in the enduring collection of Arab tales known as The Thousand and One Nights. In the ancient tales, the insanely distrustful King Shehriyar vows to marry a new wife each night and have her beheaded the next morning, thus eliminating the risk of being cuckolded. Through the courage and wit of young Scheherazade, who volunteers to be the king's bride and then invents the legendary tales that go on for a thousand and one nights, Shehriyar is healed of his obsession and the kingdom's virgins are saved. Like her brave-hearted predecessor, Madani's modern-day Scheherazade is fighting for her own life as well as the lives of her fellow sufferers. But in today's world, the threat comes as much from poverty, official corruption, the abuse of human rights, and the lingering effects of colonialism as from the power wielded by individual men. Madani weaves a tale of contemporary resistance, and once again language provides a potent weapon. BIOS: Rachida Madani, a native of Morocco, has published several volumes of poetry in French, a language she taught for thirty years. A lifelong political militant, she expresses her resistance "not by shouting slogans and waving banners. I fight with my words." She lives in Tangiers. Marilyn Hacker is a poet, translator, and critic, author of over 13 books. For her work she has received a National Book Award, a PEN Award for Poetry in Translation, and a PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry, among other prizes. She lives in Paris. To order a copy: http://yalepress.yale.edu/book.asp?isbn=9780300176285

FICTION and PROSE WANTED: ARROYO LITERARY Review is an award-winning national magazine with a West Coast orientation. We are seeking fiction, flash fiction, poetry, essays, and translation for our sixth issue. Open reading period December 1–May 31. No e-mail submissions. Please see our website for submission guidelines: www.arroyoliteraryreview.com.

2 CONTESTS from OMNIDAWN PRESS--chapbook or first book:   OMNIDAWN offers $1,000 prize for our annual Chapbook Poetry Contest. Gillian Conoley will judge. Electronic and postal submissions February 1–April 22. Winner receives cash prize, publication, 100 copies. Entry fee: $18. Entrants who add $2 shipping receive Omnidawn chapbook of their choice. For guidelines, see www.omnidawn.com/contest.
OMNIDAWN offers $3,000 prize for our annual 1st/2nd Poetry Book Contest. Donald Revell will judge. Electronic and postal submissions May 1–June 30. Winner receives cash prize, publication, 100 copies. Entry fee: $27. Entrants who add $3 shipping receive Omnidawn book of their choice. For guidelines see www.omnidawn.com/contest.

THE MARIE ALEXANDER SERIES is seeking submissions for an anthology of flash sequences. Send up to 10 pages (double-spaced, 12 pt. type, 1-inch margins) of prose sequences, each segment of which contains fewer than 500 words. Send PDF files, with cover letter, to Wesley Fairman (anthology@mariealexanderseries.com), with “anthology submission” in the subject line. Previously published material OK. Put name and e-mail on all documents. We will accept submissions January 1–June 1. For further information: www.mariealexanderseries.com.
 What did I write? A hybrid book perhaps--So SUBMIT it now to ROSE METAL PRESS, an independent publisher of hybrid genres, seeks full-length hybrid and cross-genre manuscripts for publication in 2015. Please upload your manuscript of 40 pages or more via Submittable between April 1 and May 1 with a $15 reading fee. For more details, visit www.rosemetalpress.com.

FIRST NOVEL CONTEST: Emerging Writers Getaway Contest of the Whidbey Writers MFA Alumni Association. Grand prize: $300 and 7-day retreat at a Smoky Mountain cabin ($2,000 value). Submissions (first 25 pages) Feb 15–May 24. Final judge Rikki Ducornet, NBCC award finalist. Top 3 entries reviewed for agent representation. http://whidbeymfaalumni.org.

NEW LESBIAN ANTHOLOGY seeks short fiction and memoir emphasizing how we live our lives, create community, choose friends & lovers. Are we butch, femme, neither? Also: resolving differences, confronting the world, losing a friend, a job, a lover. Seeking writing by lesbians of all backgrounds. For guidelines or to send material e-mail: lesboanthology@gmail.com.

SOLICITING SUBMISSIONS for a summer of 2013 print anthology around the films of Quentin Tarantino. We're looking for poetic responses to his work. We'll lean towards egocentric voices with a colorful range of references. We welcome contributions from writers outside the United States. Details can be found at www.destructivepraise.org.

SUBMIT TRANSLATIONS of POETRY or FLASH FICTION for RHINO. Eclectic annual journal of more than 37 years, seeks poetry, flash fiction (800 words max.), and poetry-in-translation that experiments, provokes and compels! April 1–October 1 call for submissions. More than 100 poets showcased. Electronic and snail-mail submissions accepted. For information, including our Founders’ Prize contest and Big Horn Blog, visit www.rhinopoetry.org.

SPORTS FICTION & ESSAY Contest. Second year. Prize for best short story on a sports-related theme: $1,000. Prize for best essay: $1,000. Total prizes: $3,000. Entries should be unpublished. Length limit: 6,000 words. Winning entries published online. Fee is $15 per entry. Submit online by May 31. Sponsored by Winning Writers, one of the “101 Best Writing Websites” (Writer’s Digest, 2005–2012). Final judge: Jendi Reiter. More information: www.winningwriters.com/sports.

SUBMIT SHORT FICTION TO the 13TH ANNUAL Spokane Prize for Short Fiction: $2,000 plus publication. All U.S. authors eligible. Postmark deadline: April 15. The 2011 winner was Sherril Jaffe for You Are Not Alone. 2012 winner to be announced in late October. Previous winners include Edith Pearlman, Jonathan Penner, Ann Joslin Williams and K. L. Cook. Previous judges: Rick Bass, Jess Walter, John Keeble, and Bill Kittredge. Send manuscript (98 page, 3 story minimum), $25 entry fee (check or money order to Willow Springs Editions), and SASE (for notification only) to: Spokane Prize, Inland NW Center for Writers, EWU, 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Ste. 425, Spokane, WA 99202.

SUBMIT A POETRY BOOK for THE 17TH ANNUAL Blue Lynx Prize is awarded for an unpublished, full-length volume of poems by a U.S. resident or citizen. The prize carries a $2,000 award and publication. Postmark deadline: May 15. Poems included may not have appeared in full-length, single-author collections. The 2012 winner was Roy Bentley for his collection, Starlight Taxi. Final judges have included Yusef Komunyakaa, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Robert Wrigley, Dara Wier, Dorianne Laux, and David Wojahn. Make checks payable to Lynx House Press. Send manuscript of at least 48 pages, a $25 reading fee plus SASE (for notification) to: Lynx House Press, P.O. Box 940, Spokane, WA 99210.

PLAYS SOUGHT—for public play reading and post reading reactions by MOVING PARTS in Paris—plays can be in English or French. Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play, Stephanie Campion on : 06 14 67 18 58 or send an e-mail to the movingpartsparis address at gmail.com Bookings now being taken for Autumn 2013. To go to Moving Parts events this spring and summer in Paris or to see what they are up to-- Check the website for the latest version of their programme at: www.movingparts.org.uk