01 April 2010

APRIL Listings of Events & Readings in PARIS

April Showers will bring....
Many readings, more places to send work and of course a little time off and away for many of us this April 2010. So, enjoy, those of you who are here, the fabulous array of events coming your way!

Part I) Paris Events & READINGS (w/asterisks) by dates in April 2010
Part II) Writing Workshops in Paris & Europe
Part III) News Reviews & Reviews News: publications, calls for work, new books & more!

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Part I) Events & READINGS by DATE in April 2010 :

For Kids and adults who are young at heart: thru May! A Children's Film Festival - L'Enfance de l'Art - From 3rd March to 25th May, 28 cinemas in Paris offer an eclectic program of films for a youth audience. The festival proposes a selection of 13 films, which includes Buster Keaton shorts, international animation films, François Truffaut's "L'Enfant sauvage," and a classic by Tod Browning. For more info http://www.cinep.org/site/pages/enfance/presentation.htm (thanks Words Alive O for this listed event !)

*2 avril, à 15h: Come hear a series of authors talk about writing in multiple languages--Dans le cadre de l'invitation de la chercheuse et écrivain Caroline Bergvall par le PRES Paris-Est: Table ronde/séminaire « écrire dans une autre langue » : Etel Adnan, Caroline Bergvall, Jérôme Game, Sabine Macher, Sarah Riggs, Ryoko Sekiguchi AT : salle 310 Université Paris Est-Créteil (Paris 12) CMC Bâtiment i, M° 8 (créteil université)Plan :
http://www.u-pec.fr/footer-3/plans-d-acces/centre-multidisciplinaire-de-creteil-cmc--301991.kjsp?RH=1176931876081 Many of these authors speak and writing in English, so much of this table ronde will take place in English as well.

3rd April 10am to 7pm - Monthly Used Book Sale takes place at the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007. Also have a look at the many events hosted at the American Library, visit their website

3- 4, et 9-11 avril : Violette and Co tient une table de vente au Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil.

* 3 avril à 17h La librairie Wallonie-Bruxelles est heureuse de vous convier à une lecture de Maud FRANKLIN. Son premier ouvrage LE TAXI est disponible aux éditions L'ESPERLUETE. La lecture sera suivie du vernissage de l'exposition des gravures de Nathalie TROVATO illustrant LE TAXI. L'invitation détaillée est disponible ici:
http://www.librairiewb.com/letaxi.jpg Découvrez LE TAXI ici: http://www.librairiewb.com/enrayons/litterature/roman111.html et ici: http://www.telerama.fr/livre/c-est-une-question-je-sais-pas,52881.php AT : Librairie Wallonie-Bruxelles, 46 rue Quincampoix, 75004 PARIS, France. tél: +33 (0)1 42 71 58 03 http://www.librairiewb.com/

3 avril à 20h30 (cité des arts) Alma Viva propose un concert autour du piano et de la contrebasse avec Christophe Béreau et moi-même au piano dans un programme de musique française(Honegger, Büsser, Ravel, Desenclos, Gand, Castérède) thomasdelclaud(at)hotmail.com

*5th April 7:00pm Publishing icon John Calder will read from his new book of poetry Solo, and discuss his past and present publishing activities. Since 1949, John Calder has published 18 Nobel Prize winners and around 1500 hundred books. He has put into print many of the major French and European writers, almost single-handedly introducing modern literature into the English language. Writers on his list included Henry Miller, William Burroughs, Samuel Beckett, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Marguerite Duras, Anton Chekhov and Fyodor Dostoevsky. His commitment to literary excellence has influenced two generations of authors, readers, booksellers and publishers. John was also responsible for the Edinburgh Writers’ Festival, uniting writers from all over the world. He is the author of several plays, a memoir and various non-fiction titles. Solo is his second book of poetry. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

*5 April from 8:30pm to LATE: SpokenWord on “Zero” Share your work on any theme or work on the theme of the night. Join SpokenWord Paris’ meetup group or see their blog at :
http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/ AT: Cabaret Populaire/Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix Metro Belleville/Pyrénées 75020 Paris

*6 April at 19h30. IVY WRITERS PARIS invites you to a bilingual reading with American author Norman Fischer and French-German author Sabine Macher. Special thanks to Paul Kahn for his help in organizing this event!!! BIOS: Norman Fischer has published fourteen books of essays and poetry since 1979. A poet and Zen Buddhist, he is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and has been loosely associated with the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets of the seventies and eighties. His books include : I Was Blown Back (Singing Horse Press 2005) Charlotte’s Way (TinFish 2008), Questions/Voices/Places/Seasons (Singing Horse Press 2009). Precisely The Point Being Made (O Books/Chax Press 1993), Jerusalem Moonlight (Clear Glass Publications, 1995), The Narrow Roads of Japan (Ex Nihilo Press 1998), Success (Singing Horse Press, 2000), Slowly but Dearly (Chax Press, 2004), like a walk through a park (Open Books, 1980), Why People Lack Confidence In Chairs (Coffee House Press, 1984), On Whether or Not To Believe In Your Mind (The Figures, 1987), The Devices (Potes & Poets Press, 1987), Turn Left In Order To Go Right (O Books, 1989). For more see:
http://www.normanfischerzenpoetry.com/Site/Home.html Sabine Macher: A writer, dancer and photographer, was born in West Germany in 1955. She has lived in France since 1976: in Paris or Marseille and in the train, touring for her many reading/performances. Besides participating in several collective works, Sabine has eleven works of poetry to her name, including deux coussins pour Norbert, Ed. Le bleu du ciel, 2009; himmel und erde, suivi du carnet d’a., Ed. Théâtre Typographique, 2005 ; Portraits inconnus, Melville, ed. Leo Scheer, 2003 ; Rien ne manque au manque, Denoël, 1999 ; Carnet d'a, Théâtre Typographique, 1999 et Une mouche gracieuse de profil, Maeght Editeur; 1997. Macher has also translated many works from German and English: Ilse Aichinger, Friederike Mayröcker, Oskar Pastior, Harun Farocki, Charles Reznikoff, Simone Forti, Lee Ann Brown & Chet Wiener. This year, she’s in residency at the Ménagerie de Verre working on a project that combines writing and dance. At : Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel / RER Les Halles, entrée libre! http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/ for more !

*6 April at 6pm bilingual poetry reading of Irish author Leanne O'Sullivan's poetry Lecture-rencontre : L'EA 4398 PRISMES (axe traduction et réécriture) de l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 a le plaisir de vous inviter à une lecture bilingue de poèmes de Leanne O'Sullivan. Poète déjà primée à de nombreuses reprises, Leanne O'Sullivan est l'auteur de deux recueils publiés chez Bloodaxe: Waiting for my Clothes et Cailleach The Hag of Beara. Elle prépare actuellement son troisième recueil. Ont participé à la traduction des poèmes sélectionnés: Isabelle Génin, Franck Miroux, Anne Mounic et Yves Lefèvre. AT : l'Institut du Monde Anglophone (salle 16) - 5 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris (M°: Cluny la Sorbonne ou Odéon).

6 April 19h30 WICE World Watch@The Library - ‘Chemistry of the Crunch: Behind the scenes of the economic crisis’ with financial services specialist Christian Lemaire of Credit Agricole. AT: the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007, RER-M° Alma-Marceau.

*6 avril 2010 à 19h Double Change vous invite à une lecture bilingue de Robert Glück, Marcel Cohen et David Lespiau Les textes de Robert Glück seront lus en anglais et en traduction. Entrée libre. Bios : Marcel Cohen : Auteur, critique et journaliste, Marcel Cohen est notamment publié par Gallimard où il a récemment fait paraître des ensembles de courts récits, Faits (2002) et Faits, II (2007), constitués de courts fragments de prose. Parmi ses livres récents : Trente-cinq minutes, Chandeigne, Paris, 2008. L'Ombre nue, Créaphis, Paris 2008. Tauromachie, Archives Antonio Saura Genève, 5 Continents Milan, 2008.On notera aussi ses entretiens avec Edmond Jabès : Du désert au livre. Entretiens avec Edmond Jabès, Pierre Belfond, 1981 et 1991, Opales, 2001. Robert Glück : Romancier et poète Robert Glück a écrit neuf livres de poésie et de fiction dont Denny Smith, a collection of stories (Clear Cut Press, 2004), deux romans Jack the Modernist et Margery Kempe, des recueils de nouvelles dont Elements of a Coffee Service, ainsi que des livres de poésie : Reader et La Fontaine, récriture du poète français réalisée avec Bruce Boone. Avec Camille Roy, Mary Berger, and Gail Scott, il dirige la revue "Narrativity"
, dont on peut lire une anthologie : Biting the Error: Writers on Narrative, (Coach House Press in 2005). David Lespiau est poète, il vit et travaille à Marseille. Parmi ses nombreux derniers titres : Jour férié (Petits Matins, 2010) et Ouija Board (Héros limite, 2009), Oh un lieu d’épuisement (Contrat Maint, 2009), Djinn jaune (Editions de l’attente, 2008).
Co-directeur de la revue ISSUE avec Éric Giraud et Éric Pesty (cinq numéros parus, 2002-2005).
Participation aux ateliers de traduction collective autour de Joan Retallack, Kristin Prevallet, Elizabeth Willis (cipM / Un bureau sur l’Atlantique). Traduction de Light travels, Keith & Rosmarie Waldrop, éditions de l’Attente, 2006.AT : Point Ephémère, Studio de danse, 200 quai de Valmy, Paris 10e (métro Jaurès ou Louis Blanc)*7 avril : poètes Joël Baqué et Véronique Pittolo, parmi d’autres, liront une séléction de leurs œuvres dans le cadre du séminaire en cours « séminaire éthique et mythes de la création » Université Paris Nord Saint-Denis

*7 April 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Bestselling author of ‘A Year in the Merde,’ Stephen Clarke, on ‘1000 Years of Annoying the French.’ AT: the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007, RER-M° Alma-Marceau.

* 7 Avril à 18h New York University in France invite you to meet François Durpaire & Lilian Thuram authors of “Appel pour une République Multiculturelle et Postraciale » La société française peine à intégrer sa dimension post-raciale et multiculturelle. Le débat sur « l’identité nationale» s’impose au pays. Notre mécanique se heurte à un défi majeur : comment ouvrir la République à tous les citoyens qui la composent ? AT : NYU in France, 56 rue de Passy, 75016 Paris, M° Passy ou La Muette, RSVP OBLIGATOIRE to ge the codes d’entrée:

*8 avril, from 19h-20h Theme « Assez de paroles, des actes ! » for the Rendez-vous réguliers, les jeudis de l'Oulipo, chers aux amateurs de jeux de l'esprit et de littérature potentielle, continuent d'explorer des thèmes d'actualité, proposant lectures et créations originales. AT : BNF françois Mitterand, large Amphi. Starts promptly, so be there on time !

*9 avril à 20h00 A l’occasion de la sortie du livre : "Hors-cage" de Michelle Noteboom, nous vous invitons à rencontrer Michelle Noteboom et son traducteur Frédéric Forte et nous ferons un tour d’horizon des dernières parutions traduites de l’américain aux éditions de l’Attente : "Praxis" de Bruce Andrews par son traducteur Martin Richet, et "Georgia" de Andrew Zawacki par sa traductrice Sika Fakambi http://www.librest.com/spip.php?article140&periode=mois&date_debut=2010-04-01&date_fin=201 AT : Librairie Le comptoir des mots, 239, rue des Pyrénées, 75020 Paris - M° Gambetta 01 47 97 65 40

*9 avril, à 15h, table ronde « la performance comme langue étrangère et sa traduction » : Caroline Bergvall, Omar Berrada, Alessandro de Francesco, Jérôme Game, Christophe Marchand-Kiss. responsable : Vincent Broqua / contact :
vincent.broqua@u-pec.fr AT : UPEC, Université Paris Est -- Créteil, salle 115 : M°8 (Créteil-Université) Plan pour se rendre au Centre Multidisciplinaire de Créteil (CMC) de l'UPEC (anciennement Paris 12)

*10 avril at 6:30pm: Lecture chez Marguerite Audoux #5 : Lecture de Vanina Maestri et de Jacques Sivan, organisé par Anne Kawala. Bios : anina Maestri, écrivain, vit à Paris, a co-dirigé la revue Java, avec Jean-Michel Espitallier et Jacques Sivan. Collabore à de nombreuses revues (Revue de Littérature Générale, Cambridge Conference of Contemporary Poetry, Nioques, O.E.I. [Suède]…) et lectures publiques (New York, Paris, Rome, Göteborg, Bruxelles, Namur…) et à des émissions, des créations radiophoniques. Elle a récemment écrit Vie et aventures de Norton ou ce qui est visible à l’œil nu (Al Dante, 2002), Poésie ? détours (Textuel, 2004, ouvrage collectif avec Jacques Sivan, Christophe Marchand-Kiss, Jérôme Game) et Mobiles (2006) . Mobiles II paraîtra en 2010. Jacques Sivan, poète et essayiste, vit et travaille à Paris. Cofondateur de la revue Java, il participe à des lectures publiques aux États-Unis, en Sède, en Suisse, en Italie... Il collabore à diverses revues (revue de littérature générale, quaderno, do(c)ks, the germ (usa), oei (suède). Il a récemment Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique de Raymond Roussel (colorisation du texte, et rédaction d’un essai intitulé Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique ou Le LIVRE même)(ed. Al Dante,2004) Le Bazar de l’Hôtel de Ville (ed. Al Dante, 2006) Similijake (ed. Al Dante, 2008) Jacques, viens te coucher (in Vox Hôtel, livre + CD, éditions Néant, 2006) Dernier Télégramme d’aljack (Dernier Télégramme, 2008) et Sadexpress (Derrière la Salle de Bains, 2008) AT: Bibliothèque Marguerite Audoux, 10 rue portefoin, 75003. M° Temple ou République. FB event page, with map : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=107447489290006

*11th April 7:30 MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by Timothy Jay Smith "Little Eden" (screenplay in English) For more, see: http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or e-mail Stephanie Campion movingpartsparis@gmail.com for listings! Tel : 06 14 67 18 58 AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries

*12 April from 8:30pm to LATE: SpokenWord on “Boundaries… les frontiers, les ribords” Share your work on any theme or work on the theme of the night. Join SpokenWord Paris’ meetup group or see their blog at :
http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/ AT: Cabaret Populaire/Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix Metro Belleville/Pyrénées 75020 Paris

*12th April 7:00pm Irene Vilar will be reading from her acclaimed memoir Impossible Motherhood: Testimony of an Abortion Addict and will also discuss her previous book The Ladies' Gallery. ‘A writer of extraordinary passion, erudition, and intelligence’ - Tobias Wolff AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

13 April 19h30 A Night at the Movies - Judith Merians on ‘Schindler’s List’ and establishing the feel of a documentary in a film. At: The American Library in Paris
*13 April at 7pm : Elizabeth Hawes discusses her biography of Albert Camus, Camus, A Romance. Elizabeth Hawes's passionate pursuit of Camus began with her college thesis. A biography-memoir, Camus, a Romance reveals the man behind the famous name: the French-Algerian of humble birth and Mediterranean passions; the TB-stricken exile who edited the World War II resistance newspaper Combat; the pied noir in anguish over the Algerian War; the Don Juan who loved a multitude of women; the writer in search of a truer voice. These form only the barest outlines of the rich tapestry of Camus's life, which Elizabeth Hawes chronicles alongside her own experience following in his footsteps, meeting his friends and family, and trying to enter his solitude. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

14-24 April: Shakespeare in English in Paris: "As You Like It" & "The Tempest" are playing at Théâtre Marigny; produced by BAM, Old Vice & Neal Street. Info and Reservations 0 892 222 333 Groups 01 53 96 70 10 AT: Theatre Marigny, Carré Marigny, 75008 Paris.
http://www.theatremarigny.fr/ You can also join the group Words Alive O and go as a group. Write to reserve with them: wordsaliveo@gmail.com or see more on them at http://www.wordsaliveo.com/

*14 April at 7PM. The Paris Literary Magazine UPSTAIRS AT DUROC invites you to attend the first reading of their new series, Pause on the Landing, featuring new and established writers of prose and poetry in a convivial setting. Authors participating will be: JACQUELINE BISHOP, DIMITRI KERAMITAS, and SARAH EMILY MIANO. Bios: Jacqueline Bishop is the author of two collections of poems: Fauna and Snapshots from Istanbul, both published by Peepal Tree Press in the UK. She’s also the author of My Mother Who Is Me: Life Stories from Jamaican Women in New York; Writers Who Paint, Writers Who Write: Three Jamaican Artists; and the novel, The River’s Song. She is the founding editor of Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters and is the recipient of a 2008-9 Fulbright award to Morocco. She is also a visual artist. Dimitri Keramitas was educated at the University of Hartford (Connecticut), the Sorbonne, and the U of London. His short fiction has been published in several literary journals. He worked as journalist and film reviewer for The Key, a Paris-based bimonthly, and also had film criticism published in La Revue du Cinéma and Ink Magazine. He currently writes for several print and online magazines. Sarah Emily Miano is a former chef, tour guide and private eye. She received an MA in Creative Writing from the U of East Anglia, studying under W.G. Sebald. Her 1st novel, Encyclopaedia of Snow, was published in nine languages, as was her 2nd, Van Rijn, about the life of Rembrandt, which also received a UK Arts Council Award. She lives near Paris, where she reviews fiction for The Observer and The Times, as well as working on her next novel, Buffalo Wings. At: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, Metro Odéon.

*14 April 19h30: Actor, comedian and author Michael Palin discusses his travel books, and memoirs, including the recently published second half of his diaires, Halfway to Hollywood: 1980-1988. Michael Palin established his reputation with Monty Python's Flying Circus and Ripping Yarns. His work also includes several films with Monty Python, as well as The Missionary, A Private Function, an award-winning performance as the hapless Ken in A Fish Called Wanda, American Friends and Fierce Creatures. His television credits include two films for the BBC's Great Railway Journeys, the plays East of Ipswich and Number 27, and Alan Bleasdale's GBH. He has written books to accompany his seven very successful travel series Around the World in 80 Days, Pole to Pole, Full Circle, Hemingway Adventure, Sahara, Himalaya and New Europe. He is also the author of a number of children's stories, the play The Weekend and the novel Hemingway's Chair. In 2006 the first volume of his diaries, 1969-1979: The Python Years, spent many weeks on the bestseller lists, as have his travel books. In 2008 he filmed Around the World in 20 Years a programme celebrating his first travel series, Around the World in 80 Days. In 2009 the second volume of his diaries, Halfway to Hollywood: 1980-1988, was published. AT: the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007, RER-M° Alma-Marceau.

*14 avril à partir de 19h A l'occasion de la parution de « Dans l'étendu Colombie-Argentine » (Fage éditions) rencontre avec Jean-Christophe Bailly AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, tel : 01 42 71 17 00, M° : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie

*15 April at 7pm : THE RED WHEELBARROW BOOKSTORE invites you to a reading by poets ELLEN HINSEY, DENIS HIRSON, & SUE CHENETTE. ELLEN HINSEY will read from her new collection, Update on the Descent (Bloodaxe Books, 2009), a powerful meditation on violence, war, and human division, which was a 2007 National Poetry Series finalist. She is also the author of The White Fire of Time (2003) and Cities of Memory (1996), winner of the Yale Younger Poets Award. She edited and co-translated Tomas Venclova’s The Junction: Selected Poems (2008). Her poems, essays and translations have appeared widely in publications such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, Poetry Review, Poetry, and The Irish Times. Her translations of contemporary French fiction and memoir are published with Riverhead/Penguin Books. Her other awards include a Berlin Prize Fellowship, a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writer’s Award and a Lannan Foundation Award. She has lived in Paris since 1987, and teaches writing and literature at Skidmore College’s program and the French graduate school, the École Polytechnique. DENIS HIRSON’s new book, Gardening in the Dark (Jacana Media, 2007), begins by evoking a childhood in South Africa under apartheid, and ends with the author as a father evoking his own children and life in France. Hirson is the author of four other critically-acclaimed books: The House Next Door to Africa (1986); I Remember King Kong (The Boxer) (2005); We Walk Straight So You Better Get Out the Way (2007), and White Scars (2006), which was shortlisted for the 2007 Sunday Times Alan Paton Award.
He is also the editor with Martin Trump of The Heinemann Book of South African Short Stories (1994); and the editor of The Lava of this Land, South African Poetry 1960-1996 (1997). His poetry, stories and essays have appeared in Harper's Magazine, The Boston Review, City Lights and New Directions. Hirson lived in South Africa until the age of 22. He is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, where he studied Social Anthropolgy. Since 1975 he has lived in France, where he works as a teacher and writer. The poems in SUE CHENETTE’s new book Slender Human Weight (Guernica Editions: 2009) explore a world both familiar and mysterious. In a notebook found in a Paris flea market, or a dragon hacked out of a fallen tree along a Toronto river bank, she finds the richness of physical objects as they embody what is felt, dreamed of, longed for, and remembered. Sue Chenette is the author of three chapbooks: Solitude in Cloud and Sun (2007); A Transport of Grief (2007), and The Time Between Us ( 2001), which won the Canadian Poetry Association’s Shaunt Basmajian Award. She is also a co-author of the renga Weathering (2008). Her poems appear in Canadian journals such as The New Quarterly, Descant, The Fiddlehead, and CV 2 as well as in reviews in the US, England, and France; they have been anthologized in A Time of Trial and In Fine Form: The Canadian Book of Form Poetry. Sue Chenette is a poet and pianist who grew up in northern Wisconsin, has lived in Toronto since 1972, and spends part of every year in Paris. At: The Red Wheelbarrow, 22 rue St Paul, 75004 Paris M° St Paul/ Sully-Morland. http://www.theredwheelbarrow.com/

*15 avril : 18h30-20h Meet Michel Déon, de l'Académie française, et Marie-Dominique Montel, journaliste Régulièrement, la BnF invite un écrivain à parler de son oeuvre, de son rapport au texte et à sa propre histoire. Une rencontre d'une rare intensité qui permet d'approcher les plus grands auteurs. BIOS : Michel Déon, né à Paris en 1919, est un écrivain, dramaturge et académicien français. Il est généralement rattaché au mouvement des « Hussards ». Il est l'auteur notamment de Les Gens de la nuit, Les Poneys sauvages, Un taxi mauve ou encore Le Jeune Homme vert. Rencontre organisée en partenariat avec la New York University. AT : BNF site François Mitterand, petit auditorium.

*15 April at 7pm : Jerome Charyn discusses his latest novel The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson. An astonishing novel that removes Emily Dickinson's own mysterious mask and reveals the passions and heartbreak of America's greatest poet. What if the old maid of Amherst wasn't an old maid at all? Her older brother, Austin, spoke of Emily as his "wild sister." Jerome Charyn, continuing his exploration of American history through fiction, has written a startling novel about Emily Dickinson in her own voice, with all its characteristic modulations that he learned from her letters and poems. The poet dons a hundred veils, alternately playing wounded lover, penitent, and female devil. We meet the significant characters of her life, including her tempestuous sister-in-law, Susan Gilbert; her brooding father, Edward; and the Reverend Charles Wadsworth, who may have inspired some of her greatest letters and poems. Charyn has also invented characters, including an impoverished fellow student at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, who will betray her; and a handyman named Tom, who will obsess Emily throughout her life. Charyn has written an extraordinary adventure that will disturb and delight. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*15 April at 19h. A reading by Adam Zagajewski for “Unseen Hand, Work in Progress” By invitation of the Center for Writers and Translators and the Department of Comparative Literature and English, Adam Zagajewski will read from his new poems and a work in progress. BIO: Zagajewski was born in Lvov in 1945. From 1981-2002 he lived in Paris. He now divides his time between Krakow and Chicago, where is Professor of Social Thought at the University of Chicago. His most recent books in English are Eternal Enemies (2008) and Without End: New and Selected Poems (2002). He is also the author of several books of essays, memoirs, and literary sketches, among them In Defense of Ardor (2005) and Another Beauty (2002). For additional information please contact Daniel Medin at dmedin@aup.edu AT: American University of Paris, 6, Rue de Colonel Combes, 75007 Paris

*15th April at 20h "Two on a Party" by Tennessee Williams is playing by Word for Word Troupe. “Two on a Party” is an adaptation of a short story written by Tennessee Williams that gives a particular depiction of homosexuality. Its publication in 1951 was a bold challenge to the political and cultural landscape of the period. The two main characters Cora and Billy set out of New York on journey across the United States in an exploration of libidinal conquests and adventures. Infos 01 53 59 12 60 AT: Sally Aydar, 4 Square Rapp 75007 Paris M° Ecole Militaire. Reserve your place by calling ahead!!!! Now taking reservations. Suggested donation: 20€, students 10€.

*15th April 6:00pm Tonight award-winning author Yiyun Li will read from her novel The Vagrants followed by a short extract read in French. “Yiyun Li has written a book that is as important politically as it is artistically. The Vagrants is an enormous achievement.” - Ann Patchett, author of Bel Canto Brilliant and illuminating, this astonishing debut novel is set in China in the late 1970s, and follows a group of people in a small town after the dramatic and harrowing execution of a young woman. Writing with profound emotion, and in the superb tradition of fiction by such writers as Orhan Pamuk and J. M. Coetzee, Yiyun Li gives us a stunning novel that is at once a picture of life in a special part of the world during a historical period, a universal portrait of human frailty and courage, and a mesmerizing work of art. Yiyun Li grew up in Beijing and came to the United States in 1996. Her stories and essays have been published in The New Yorker, Best American Short Stories, O Henry Prize Stories, and elsewhere. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

*16 avril, à 15h, fin du cycle de rencontres avec Caroline Bergvall, séminaire de travail autour de l’écriture théorique et créative de Caroline Bergvall. responsable : Vincent Broqua / contact :
vincent.broqua@u-pec.fr AT : UPEC, Université Paris Est -- Créteil, salle 222 : M°8 (Créteil-Université) Plan pour se rendre au Centre Multidisciplinaire de Créteil (CMC) de l'UPEC (anciennement Paris 12), http://www.u-pec.fr/footer-3/plans-d-acces/centre-multidisciplinaire-de-creteil-cmc--301991.kjsp?RH=1176931876081

16 avril à 20h30 (cité des arts) Alma Viva propose un concert autour du piano et du violon avec Nicolas Delclaud, violoniste à l'orchestre de Monaco avec au programme: Schumann, Enesco, Ravel et Delclaud. Vous pouvez confirmer votre présence par mail : thomasdelclaud(at)hotmail.com

*19 April from 8:30pm to LATE: SpokenWord on “Beginning & Ending… les débuts & les fins, commencer & finir” Share your work on any theme or work on the theme of the night. Join SpokenWord Paris’ meetup group or see their blog at :
http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/ AT: Cabaret Populaire/Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix Metro Belleville/Pyrénées 75020 Paris

*19th April 7:00pm Magda Danysz will present her groundbreaking new book From Style Writing to Art, the first Street Art anthology ever published. She will be talking about why style writing/graffiti/street art is turning out to be the major art movement at this turn of the century. Magda will also be in discussion with Seen, the Godfather of graffiti. Magda Danysz is a Paris and Shanghai-based art dealer. She was 17 when she opened her first art space and has made it a point to continually present emerging artists, including street artists. Magda has presented about 50 shows related to Street Art in her gallery and in the main art fairs around the world. She teaches at Science Politques Institutes (Paris), is the co-founder of ShowOff, the Paris contemporary art fair and last year inaugurated a new gallery space in Shanghai. Magda was made Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

21 April at 19h30 Evening with an expert—Professor Peter Gibian of McGill University will present John Singer Sargent's Traveling Culture: Portraits of Expatriate Experience. About Peter Gibian Peter Gibian teaches American literature and culture in the English Department at McGill University Montréal, Québec, Canada. He has published two books--an edited essay collection, Mass Culture and Everyday Life, and Oliver Wendell Holmes and the Culture of Conversation. He has also published essays on Whitman, Melville, Poe, Twain, Wharton and James, John Singer Sargent, Edward Everett Hale, Doctor Holmes, Justice Holmes, Michael Snow and shopping mall spectacle, the experience of nineteenth-century shopping arcades, and cosmopolitanism in nineteenth-century American literature. Professor Gibian's talk will survey key paintings by John Singer Sargent to bring out what they suggest about the felt experience of life as an expatriate. AT: the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007, RER-M° Alma-Marceau.

*22 April at 7pm : Joint Reading with Hilary Masters & Kathleen George. Hilary Masters discusses his recent collection of stories How the Indians Buried Their Dead and his latest book of essays In Rooms of Memory. Kathleen George will speak about her new novel The Odds. The authors will be introduced by the American poet William Jay Smith. In Rooms of Memory: This mature, exquisite collection of personal essays by Hilary Masters offers a rare pleasure. Here are meditations and reflections distilled in fine prose from a long and varied life musings that, in the distinguished tradition of essays carried on since the days of Montaigne, articulate the piquant insights of the writer s experience. In this collection, one of the most illustrious contemporary essayists transfigures incidents and observations into something far more a finely crafted window into the workings of experience and memory. The Odds: The Homicide Department is upside down—Richard Christie is in the hospital, Artie Dolan is headed away on vacation, John Potocki's life is falling apart, and Colleen Greer is so worried about her boss's health, she can hardly think. A young boy in Pittsburgh's North Side neighborhood dies of a suspicious overdose. Connecting these people and their stories is Nick Banks, just out of prison and working off a debt to an old acquaintance involved in the drug trade. Little do these characters know how connected their lives are about to become. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

23 April 12h00. Presentation “From the Wild West to the Waste Land: the Disenchanted Utopia of Edward Curtis (1868-1952)” by art historian Mathilde Arrivé. Part of the Terra Foundation for American Art’s workshop series highlighting current research by emerging scholars in American visual arts and culture. AT: Terra Foundation, 29, rue des Pyramides, 1er, M° Pyramides & Palais Royal & Madeleine. +33 1 43 20 67 01. Free admission. www.terraamericanart.org/europe.

*25 avril de 15h à 18h : HAÏTI : LECTURES D’AVENIR. En soutien à Haïti et en collaboration avec l'association Monique Calixte, lecture de textes d'écrivaines haïtiennes par six comédiennes (participation : 5 € ou plus). Au lendemain du tremblement de terre du 12 janvier, un groupe de comédiennes et comédiens s’organisent rapidement pour apporter leur soutien à Haïti par leur voix (saluons ici la librairie Les Oiseaux rares, Paris 13è, qui a tout de suite accueilli ces lectures). Les fonds recueillis vont à l’association Monique Calixte qui les reverse à la Fondation Fokal pour la reconstruction de bibliothèques de proximité, d’écoles, de la librairie La Pléiade et d’autres projets de relance de la vie culturelle, si importante. Mais aussi, d’abord, au secours des blessés qui en ont encore besoin, à l’achat de produits de première nécessité, aux abris des sinistrés. Parce que cette reconstruction sera longue, venez nombreux-ses à cette lecture ou envoyez vos dons directement à : Association Monique Calixte, 10 rue de l’Arcade, 94220 Charenton-le-Pont (
http://www.associationmoniquecalixte.org/ et http://www.fokal.org/). Au programme de la lecture : 15h-16h : Nanténé Traoré lit EMMELIE PROPHÈTE (Urgence de dire) ; Mylène Wagram lit KETTLY MARS (Fado) ; Magali Montoya lit MARIE VIEUX-CHAUVET (Folie). 16h-17h : Nicole Dogué lit JEAN-RENÉ LEMOINE (Face à la mère) ; Caroline Chaniolleau lit YANICK LAHENS (Dans la maison du père) ; 17h-18h : Nanténé Traoré lit MARIE-CÉLIE AGNANT (Le silence du sang) ; Clotilde Ramondou lit EDWIGE DANTICAT (Le briseur de rosée). AT : Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07 www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

25th April 7:30 MOVING PARTS presents a reading of 3 short plays by Yair Packer: “Three short plays in English“ For more, see:
http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or e-mail Stephanie Campion movingpartsparis@gmail.com for listings! Tel : 06 14 67 18 58 AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries

*26th April 7:00pm Shakespeare and Company and the St. Petersburg Review present Kenyan writers Parselelo Kantai & Mukoma Wa Ngugi, both shortlisted for the Caine Prize in 2009. Parselelo Kantai is a writer and investigative journalist who writes short fiction and is currently working on a novel. Mukoma Wa Ngugi is the author of Hurling Words at Consciousness and the forthcoming novel, Nairobi Heat. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

*26 April from 8:30pm to LATE: SpokenWord on “Being someone else… être quelqu’un d’autre” Share your work on any theme or work on the theme of the night. Join SpokenWord Paris’ meetup group or see their blog at :
http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/ AT: Cabaret Populaire/Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix Metro Belleville/Pyrénées 75020 Paris

*27 April at 7pm: Thomas Venclova who will read from The Junction: Selected Poems - translated into English by the American poet Ellen Hinsey Other books to be discussed : Winter Dialogue Poems & Forms of Hope Essays. Lithuania's Tomas Venclova is one of Europe's greatest living poets. His work speaks with a moral depth exceptional in contemporary poetry. Venclova's poetry addresses the desolate landscape of the aftermath of totalitarianism, as well as the ethical constants that allow for hope and perseverance. The Junction brings together entirely new translations of his most recent work as well as a selection of poems from his 1997 volume Winter Dialogue. Tomas Venclova was born in 1937 in Klaipeda, Lithuania. He was one of the five founding members of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group and his activities led to a ban on publishing, exile, and the stripping of his Soviet citizenship in 1977. Since 1985 Venclova has taught Slavic languages and literature at Yale University. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*28 avril 20h : Poète/publique : rencontre avec Emmanuelle Pireyre & Bernard Comment / Fiction & Cie Dans le cadre de "poète-public", résidence d'écriture qu'il effectue au Comptoir des mots de septembre 09 à juin 10, Frédéric Forte vous invite pour rencontrer un poète et son éditeur. Comment un auteur conçoit-il un livre de poésie ? Quel est le rôle de l’éditeur ? Les invités tenteront de répondre à ces questions, et à d’autres…AU :Comptoir des mots, 239, rue des Pyrénées, Paris 75020.

*28 April 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Lisa See. BIO: Lisa See is the New York Times bestselling author of Peony in Love, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Flower Net (an Edgar Award nominee), The Interior, and Dragon Bones, as well as the critically acclaimed memoir On Gold Mountain. The Organization of Chinese American Women named her the 2001 National Woman of the Year. She lives in Los Angeles. AT: the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007, RER-M° Alma-Marceau.

Some May 2010 events ! / Quelques dates en mai :

*2 mai : à 18h00 lecture « Poésie is not dead »—le 2010 cycle mensuel de lectures organisé par François Massut—débutera avec cette soirée plurilingue. Lectures de: Jennifer K Dick, (voir son site http://jenniferkdick.blogspot.com) Ma Desheng (Chine), Julia Musté (France), Myriam Montoya (Colombie), Mathieu Brosseau (voir son site http://www.mathieubrosseau.com/index1.html ), Francis Coffinet (France) et Frederic Dumond (France). Pour plus d’infos, voir http://revoesie.free.fr/ sous « poètes ». Entrée 2 € (un verre de pich compris) pour payer le technicien qui enregistrera la session. AT : Studios Campus,12 bis rue Froment, 75011 Paris, M° Bréguet – Sabin.

*4 mai 2010 à 19h Double Change vous invite à une lecture bilingue de Edith Azam et Anne Waldman. Bios : Auteur, Edith Azam est motorisée. Rencontre des difficultés colossales à faire un paragraphe biographique, est motorisée. Est née le deux mais toute seule : cela lui fait ni chaud ni froid, elle est vraiment motorisée. A déjà publié divers textes très motorisants, notamment RUPTURE et LéTIKA KLINIK au Denier Télégramme, L'ECHARPE DOUCE AUX YEUX DE SOIE et AMOR BARRICADE AMOR à l'Atelier de l'agneau. Donne de nombreuses lectures, lors de résidences ou de festivals au top du motoring, en France et à l’étranger. Toujours motorisée à cette heure et pour le reste ? Lire, écouter, diront toujours mille fois mieux ce qui là : m'autorise. Anne Waldman est poète, performeuse, professeur, éditrice, chercheuse touche-à-tout et activiste politique et culturelle. En 1974 elle a co-fondé The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics avec Allen Ginsberg à Naropa University, et elle est encore aujourd’hui la directrice artistique des célèbres "Summer Writing Programs." Anne Waldman est l'auteur de plus de 40 livres, entre autres Kill or Cure, Marriage: A Sentence, Structure of the World Compared to a Bubble, du texte poétique: Outrider qui contient un entretien avec Ernesto Cardenal ainsi que d'essais sur Lorine Niedecker et Charles Olson. Manatee/Humanity (Penguin Poets 2009) est son livre le plus récent. Waldman est aussi l'auteur du légendaire Fast Speaking Woman (City Lights, San Francisco) qui a été traduit en français (Femme qui parle vite, Maelstrom, 2008), en italien et en tchèque, ainsi que de l'épopée lovis, trilogie de 800 pages (Coffee House Press), à paraître en 2011. AT : Point Ephémère, 200 Quai de Valmy – 75010 Paris, M° Jaurès ou Louis Blanc, Entrée libre. See
http://www.doublechange.org/ for more !

*5 May 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Douglas Hawes presents his book, Oradour: The Final Verdict, the anatomy and aftermath of a massacre. Oradour tells the story of the peaceful French village of Oradour-sur-Glane, where, shortly after D-Day, an SS Panzer unit massacred 642 men, women and children. Nearly nine years later, 21 members of the unit faced trial in France. Only seven of them were German, the others were French Alsations, most of whom had been forcibly inducted into the SS. But who ordered the massacre and why? Were the Alsatians victims of murderers? Oradour: The Final Verdict provides dramatic answers to these questions and a compelling and up-to-date account of a monstrous war crime and its aftermath. AT: the American Library 10, rue Général Camou 75007, RER-M° Alma-Marceau.

** ** ** ** **

Part II) Writing workshops in Paris! (listed by start date) :

April 3,4,5: Ira Seidenstein will give a workshop via Improfessionals in Paris. See Ira’s notes on "Expand your belief in what is possible" http://www.iraseidenstein.com/ and WWW.MANNAPAGES.COM/IRA He does courses on performance, clowing, etc.

3rd April: The Other Writers' Group! David Barnes' drop in writers' workshop (just turn up!) every Saturday 5pm till 7pm. Bring 8 copies of your prose or poetry for instant feedback and discussion. Length should be up to about 3 pages (prose) or 2 poems. Suggested donation 5 euros. Upstairs in the library at Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 http://www.meetup.com/The-Other-Writers-Group/

17-18 April: Writing Course Weekend in Berlin: Scriptwriting/ Discover visual storytelling. What does a scene need? How do I make dialogue sound natural but memorable? How do I write for other artists (director, actors etc.)? How do I tell a story visually? Discover what it takes to write a script in this beginners’ workshop. We will look at how scriptwriting demands special approaches from the writer, how a scene is constructed, how the different layers of good dialogue are constructed, how one writes precise directions and above all how one starts to imagining stories in visual terms. While the first part of each session is focused on thematic exercises, the second part offers the opportunity to share your writing and receive feedback as well as to read out dialogue for further development. Saturday 17th April and Sunday 18th April 10 am-3 pm, Course fee: 85€, Contact: Jesta Phoenix, jesta.phoenix@berlin.de, info@berlin-muse.de, http://www.berlin-muse.de/, Tel/Fax: +49 (0) 30 43 20 28 69

April 19-23, 2010: Writing Conference “Do your most authentic work in Paris.” Story and manuscript development come alive at this five-day workshop. Develop your book, fine tune your manuscript, and perfect your writing in progress. Writers of all levels attend to generate new material, develop ideas, or perfect works in progress. The conference takes place at a 4-star hotel in Paris' literary and arts neighborhood, steps from the Louvre. Led by NY Times bestselling author and literary agent Wendy Goldman Rohm, this retreat has been held since 2002 worldwide, originally inspired by Rohm's Masters Tea at Yale University. http://www.pariswritersretreat.com/index.html

May 9th - June 6th : Plot and Narrative Containers: at WRITING BY THE SEINE: A five-week Sunday writing workshop offering a creative and supportive space for hopeful, emerging and experienced writers. 11AM - 1PM at the Shakespeare and Co bookshop, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Contribution: 50 euros for an entire 5-week cycle. Please contact the workshop leader, Susannah Elisabeth Pabot, at writingbytheseine@gmail.com for more details and to reserve a place.
May 16 through May 21: 2010 Paris Poetry Workshop! For the eighth consecutive year, the Paris Poetry Workshop (PPW) will offer English-speaking poets from the U.S. and Europe the opportunity to come together for a week of intensive workshops with Cecilia Woloch, talks with Paris-based poets and writers, and evening readings at various locales around the city. Fee is $895. The workshop is open to poets writing in English at all levels of development, though most participants in recent years have been emerging/publishing poets.In order to provide intimacy and intensity as well as attention to each person's writing, the workshop will be strictly limited to 10 participants. For more information, contact Cecilia at ceciwo@aol.com. Events open to the public include an evening reading and panel discussion on The Pleasures of Poetry at the American Library of Paris on Tuesday, May 18, from 7-9 p.m.; a reading by Cecilia Woloch at Village Voice Bookshop on Thursday, May 20, at 7 p.m.; and a reading by workshop participants at Shakespeare & Co Books on Friday, May 21, at 7 p.m. Admission to these events is free. Bio: Cecilia Woloch is the author of four award-winning collections of poems, most recently Narcissus, winner of the Tupelo Press 2006 Snowbound Series Chapbook Award. Carpathia, newly available from BOA Editions Ltd., is her fifth book. She is currently a lecturer in the creative writing program at the University of Southern California, as well as the founding director of The Paris Poetry Workshop. A celebrated teacher, she spends a part of each year traveling, and in recent years has divided her time between Los Angeles, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Shepherdsville, Kentucky; Paris, France; and a small village in the Carpathian mountains of southeastern Poland.

June 27-July 2, 2010: Paris Writers Workshop! France's longest running English language writers workshop will take place from June 27-July 2, 2010. For new and established writers are welcome. Small workshops in Memoir & Biography, Short Story, Poetry, Creative Non-fiction and the Novel with instructors: Memoir - John Baxter; Short Story - Sheila Kohler; Poetry - Alice Notley; Creative Non-fiction - Mimi Schwartz; & Novel - Matt Thorne. Special features include lectures, walking tours, evening events, and a closing literary dinner - all for one inclusive price. The Paris Writers Workshop is committed to providing inspiration and high-level instruction on craft to writers of all skill levels in a supportive environment. The PWW celebrates the diversity of voices within its community of writers. Visit: http://www.pariswritersworkshop.org/ or click here for details. Email: pariswritersworkshop@yahoo.com

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Part III) News Reviews & Reviews News: publications + calls for work

SCRIPT COMPETITION: Script Showcase Screenwriting Competition Put a spotlight on your screenplay! The Script Showcase Screenwriting Competition is accepting entries! Prizes include industry submission to 75 participating companies! Prizes also products and services from Script Pimp, Movie Outline Software, SellAScript.com, and Script Delivery.net! Early submission discounts end on April 30, 2010. Moviebytes members, writers purchasing ScriptDelivery.net services, or writers purchasing SellAScript.com services receive a discount on entry into the Showcase!
http://www.script-showcase.com/showcase/index.cfm?CFID=36871587&CFTOKEN=49459544 for full details

SUBMIT Prose or Poetry WORK: Accepting short fiction & poetry, spoken word recordings, creative non-fiction, interviews, social justice concerns for the 10th issue of GINOSKO LITERARY JOURNAL, the winter issue. Editorial lead time 1-2 months; accept simultaneous submissions & reprints; length flexible, accept excerpts. Receives postal submissions & email—prefer email submissions as attachments in Microsoft Works Word Processor or Rich Text Format; cannot open .docx files. Copyright reverts to author. Publishing as semiannual ezine, winter & summer. Selecting material from ezine for printed anthology. Check downloadable issues on website for style & tone:
http://www.ginoskoliteraryjournal.com/ Use latest version of Adobe Reader. ezine circulation 4500+. Website traffic 750-1000 hits/month. Also looking for artwork, photography, music to post on website and links to exchange. Ginosko (ghin-océ-koe) To perceive, understand, realize, come to know; knowledge that has an inception, a progress, an attainment. The recognition of truth by experience. Member CLMP. Listed in Best of the Web 2008. Ginosko Literary Journal, Robert Paul Cesaretti, Editor, PO Box 246, Fairfax, CA 94978 USA

SEE ONLINE : Blake Dawson announces his all new photography website... FINALLY! The layout and all the selected photos are in place. I hope you like what I’m sharing. Any and all comments are welcome. Once all the final titles and texts are in place, with the French translations, I will get a little training session, so I can adjust, add and/or subtract subsequent content by myself. I can’t wait to start making it come alive:
http://www.blakedawsonphotos.com/ Do feel free to share it with whomever you feel might enjoy the view(s)... especially if they happen to have a gallery or are looking to decorate a personal or commercial space with some original fine art photography.

FICTION PRIZE: A prize of $1,100 and publication on the Writecorner Press Web site is given annually for a short story. All entries are considered for publication. Submit a story of up to 3,000 words with a $15 entry fee ($10 for each additional story) by April 30. Send an SASE, call, or visit the Web site for complete guidelines. Writecorner Press, E. M. Koeppel Short Fiction Award, P.O. Box 140310, Gainesville, FL 32614. (352) 338-7778. Mary Sue Koeppel, Contact.

READ ONLINE: Just out, Alexander Maksik’s short story, originally read aloud in Paris for Spoken Word Paris! Read it online at:

SUBMIT: "COMPENDIUM, a new magazine of images and words, is accepting submissions for its inaugural issue. See
http://www.cityofcompendium.org/ for more info. We look forward to seeing your work!" Based in Germany.

SEND BOOK MANUSCRIPTS! Octopus Books will be reading full length manuscripts during the month of April. We will select two from this reading period to publish in 2011. For more information & guidelines please go here:

SUPPORT A GREAT PRESS: The Wave Books 2010 series has officially begun, with our inaugural titles now fresh and available for you: DOROTHEA LASKY'S BLACK LIFE and GEOFFREY NUTTER'S CHRISTOPHER SUNSET in both softcover and limited edition hardcover. For complete information on Dorothea and Geoffrey, and their work, and to order their books, visit
http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog Black Life and Christopher Sunset can also be purchased through Wave's SOFTCOVER SUBSCRIPTION, which brings the entire year's catalogue to you for just $75, including work by Garrett Caples, Michael Earl Craig, CAConrad, Timothy Donnelly, Caroline Knox, Noelle Kocot and Mary Ruefle. For information, visit: http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog/82

JUST OUT : translation into French of American poet Juliana Spahr : Juliana Spahr, L'incinérateur, Marseille, Cipm/Un Bureau sur l'atlantique, 2010. Traduction collective de l'américain réalisée par Vincent Broqua, Emmanuel Hocquard, Abigail Lang, Claude Moureau-Bondy, Juliette Valéry. (ISBN: 978-2-909097-81-7) Dans la même collection (Cipm/Un Bureau sur l'Altantique): Ray DiPalma, Le Tombeau de ReverdyJoan Retallack, MemnoirKristin Prevallet, D'un devenir fantômeElizabeth Willis, Fleurs météoriques

POETRY MANUSCRIPTS SOUGHT for Publication by University of Iowa Press. Prize is given annually for a poetry collection. Submit a manuscript of 50 to 150 pages with a $20 entry fee during the month of April. Call or visit the Web site for complete guidelines. University of Iowa Press, Iowa Poetry Prize, 119 West Park Road, 100 Kuhl House, Iowa City, IA 52242-1000. (319) 335-2000.

ONLINE MAG: Octopus 13 is now online
http://octopusmagazine.com/ Featuring poetry by Sawako Nakayasu, Daniel Lin, Julie Carr, José Díaz, Chanel Clarke, Cherise Bacalski, Tim Van Dyke, Ayane Kawata translated by Sawako Nakayasu, Kristin Sanders, Bin Ramke, Bhanu Kapil, Takako Arai translated by Jeffrey Angles and MORE, including “recovery projects”, reviews and song reviews.

SEEKING ARTICLES ON POETS: “Forum for Modern Language Studies” announces a forthcoming special issue on "Contemporary Poetry from Europe and the Americas" and is inviting interested scholars to submit 300-word outlines for articles by 15 June 2010. This special issue will introduce readers to poets writing on both sides of the Atlantic during the last 25 years. All of the poets considered will have either changed the definition of poetry as a genre, moved beyond the conveying of information to produce new poetic effects, or revised their readers' understanding of language. Articles written in English on individual poets, or on groupings of not more than three, are sought. Rather than give an overview of trends within national literatures, the issue will, in addition to the points suggested above, examine the ways in which poetry from the continents of Europe and the Americas demonstrates its relevance today. Articles are sought on poets writing today in France, Belgium, Switzerland or the francophone Caribbean. The possibility exists for Forum to enable its contributors to publish supplementary data, including video clips, photographs, or sound recordings on the journal's web-site. Authors might, therefore, consider accompanying their articles with relevant images or recordings. Advice about copyright is available on request. Prospective contributors are invited to send a 300-word outline by email to the Special Issue editor, Steven Winspur,
swinspur@wisc.edu, by 15 June 2010. Articles chosen for further consideration must be submitted in draft by 15 November 2010, and the definitive version by 15 March 2011. Texts should be no longer than 5,000-6,000 words, including endnotes. They must conform to the FMLS stylesheet which is available upon request. Inquiries are most welcome and should be sent to the Special Issue editor. Articles which do not find a place in the Special Issue will be considered for inclusion in general issues of FMLS, which appear twice annually. http://fmls.oxfordjournals.org/

ENTER DIAGRAM PRIZE : for fiction, poetry or nonfiction : A prize of $1,000, publication by New Michigan Press, and 25 author copies is given annually for a chapbook of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or mixed-genre work. All entries are considered for publication. Ander Monson will judge. Submit a manuscript of 18 to 40 pages with a $16 entry fee by April 30. Send an SASE, e-mail, or visit the Web site for complete guidelines. DIAGRAM, Chapbook Contest, English Department, P.O. Box 210067, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0067. Ander Monson, Editor.

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” Lord Byron
(This quote from http://www.nsrider.com/quotes/writing.htm, click Byron's name for link to archives and works by him)