02 November 2009

November 2009 Readings & Events in Paris!!!

Part I) Paris Events & READINGS (with asterisks) by dates in November
Part II) Creative Writing Workshops & other courses in Europe
Part III) News Reviews & Reviews News: publications, calls for work
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New! PLEASE NOTE: THE THREE SECTIONS I HAVE POSTED AS 3 SEPARATE BLOG POSTS, so that it is easier & faster for you to locate the information you are seeking!

Part I) Events & READINGS in Paris by date in November 2009

Du 29 oct. au 2 nov. de 8h00 à minuit... Film Festival : Cineffable, French lesbian film festival. Only open to women (sorry guys) For full info on the films being shown, to volunteer to help out, or events in conjunction with this annual festival, see their site :

Du 28 october au 3 novembre, MON PREMIER FESTIVAL de cinéma, un festival de cinéma pour enfants de 2 à 12 ans. A découvrir ou à revoir "Toto le Héros" '(si vous écoutez bien vous entendrez des échoes de l'oeuvre de James Joyce "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man") (le 30 et 31 oct), "Brigadoon" "Au revoir les Enfants" (le 2 nov), "L'homme qui rétrécit" (le 31 oct, les 1 & 2 nov), "Les aventures de Pinocchio" (le 3 nov), "Le voleur de bicyclette" (le 31 oct et les 2 & 3 nov) et un film muet de 1922 de Robert Flaherty "Nanouck l"Esquimau" (le 1 & 2 nov). Découvrir tout le programme sur

*2 Nov at 7pm Novelist Michael Smith, The Giro Playboy. The Giro Playboy recounts the (mis)adventures of a delusional drifter and his wanderings from the north-east of London (where the streets are paved with gold) and on to Brighton and the badlands of Essex. Along the way he falls in love, drinks a lot of beer, eats too many sweets, ponders the meaning of life on the dole and gets admitted to hospital for a painful condition – all the time measuring his life in cigarettes. Michael has contributed to The Observer newspaper, The Idler and Zembla, Dazed & Confused and Good For Nothing. His new book Birds is due to be published with Faber and Faber in 2011. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

*4 Nov 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Colin Smith on ‘England’s Last War Against France: Fighting Vichy 1940-1942.’ BIO: As a journalist, Colin Smith worked for The Observer for 26 years, where he became an Assistant Editor. He has reported from many conflicts in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans. His highly praised books include, most recently, Singapore Burning, about the British retreat in Malaya. He divides his time between Cyprus and Guernsey. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire.

*FOR KIDS: 10h30 & 14h30 (ages 3-5) Wednesday Story Hour 4th, 11th, 18th 25th Nov: Drop-in sessions for kids to spend an hour with friends and some good books. No sign-ups needed. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire.

*5 nov 11h As part of the « Belles Etrangères » series, meet & hear American Author Percival Everett, présenté par Philippe Leconte Organisée par la librairie Le Livre Écarlate Librairie Le Livre Écarlate 31 rue du Moulin Vert - Paris 14ème arr. Renseignements : 01 45 42 75 30 Programme disponible sur

*5 nov 16h Mee & hear American authors Andrew Sean Greer & Colson Whitehead, présentés par Pierre-Yves Pétillon. Organisée par la librairie Les Cahiers de Colette, AT : Les Cahiers de Colette, 23 rue Rambuteau - Paris 75004 Renseignements : 01 42 72 95 06

*5 nov 17h Meeting & reading with American authors Forrest Gander (Novelist, poet, essayist) & Eleni Sikelianos (poet, lyric biography), présentés par Marc Delouze. Organisée par les Parvis Poétiques avec la librairie Vendredi AT : Fondation Boris Vian, 6 bis cité Véron (entrée au 92 bd de Clichy) - Paris 75018. Renseignements : 01 42 54 48 70

*5 Nov at 7pm: Janet Skeslien Charles will present her book Moonlight in Odessa. Odessa, Ukraine, is the humor capital of the former Soviet Union, but in an upside-down world where waiters earn more than doctors and Odessans depend on the Mafia for basics like phone service and medical supplies, no one is laughing. After months of job hunting, Daria, a young engineer, finds a plum position at a foreign firm as a secretary. But every plum has a pit. In this case, it's Mr. Harmon, who makes it clear that sleeping with him is job one. Daria evades Harmon's advances by recruiting her neighbor, the slippery Olga, to be his mistress. But soon Olga sets her sights on Daria ?s job. Daria begins to moonlight as an interpreter at Soviet Unions(TM), a matchmaking agency that organizes "socials" where lonely American men can meet desperate Odessan women. Her grandmother wants Daria to leave Ukraine for good and pushes her to marry one of the men she meets, but Daria already has feelings for a local. She must choose between her world and America, between Vlad, a sexy, irresponsible mobster, and Tristan, a teacher nearly twice her age. Daria chooses security and America. Only it ?s not exactly what she thought it would be & A wry, tender, and darkly funny look at marriage, the desires we don't acknowledge, and the aftermath of communism, Moonlight in Odessa is a novel about the choices and sacrifices that people make in the pursuit of love and stability. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*5 nov, à partir de 18 h Come meet the author/artist Zoé Chantre! Les éditions Graine d’encre sont heureuses de vous annoncer la publication du livre La Mélancolie, de Zoé Chantre. Nous vous invitons à venir fêter sa sortie en présence de l’auteur AT : la librairie Le Monte-en-l’air, 6, rue des Panoyaux, Paris XXe, M° Ménilmontant

* 5 nov à partir de 19h : A l'occasion de la parution de « Autant la mer » (Editions P.O.L) rencontre avec François Matton AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 paris, Tel : 01 42 71 17 00. M° St Paul or Pont Marie

*5 nov 19h-21h : Les jeudis de l'Oulipo, thème « Annette entre deux pays », Dans le cadre des "Jeudis de l'Oulipo" la Cie L'amour au travail-Jacques Jouet (L'amour au travail, La chatte bottée, Arlequin poli par l'amour/personnage) bénéficie d'une "carte blanche exceptionnelle" pour la toute première représentation parisienne de sa nouvelle création théâtrale et musicale. « Habille-toi, on va au cirque ! ». Une nuit, Annette entend sa mère lui donner cet ordre énigmatique et merveilleux, un de ceux que tout enfant rêverait d'entendre pour son plus grand plaisir. Le cirque, ce sera pourtant tout autre chose : il sera la métaphore ludique d’un voyage d’émigrants clandestins. Le cirque, c’est aussi le lieu de travail imaginaire du père qui est déjà à destination. Au bout de la marche, c’est la frontière. La frontière d'un pays de tous les espoirs… Jacques Jouet explore ici un thème épineux, actuel. Pour évoquer de manière plus ouverte ces voyages migratoires clandestins, tels qu'ils continuent d'avoir lieu avec les drames et les hypocrisies politiques que l'on sait, il a choisi de nous raconter ce périple par le biais du regard d'enfants, qui imaginent le cirque qu'ils croient rejoindre... Ce spectacle est conçu pour un large public à partir de 8 ans. AT : BNF, site François-Mitterrand, Grand auditorium. M° Lignes 6 (Quai de la gare),14 et RER C (Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand) Plus d'infomations sur leur site: http://www.bnf.fr/pages/zNavigat/frame/cultpubl.htm?ancre=soiree_thematique_1179.htm

5 Nov 18.30 – 20.00, Vernissage Into Irish Drawing. Into Irish Drawing showcases the work of twenty-two contemporary artists based in Ireland who specialize in drawing. The curator of the exhibition, Arno Kramer, highlights the fact that the discipline of drawing has realised fascinating new developments in the last ten years. His choice of works is not intended to be an objective summary of present-day Irish drawings; it is a qualitative choice. The works presented here have been selected for their visual quality and for the original and recognizable style of the artist. Drawings reveal each mark an artist makes, like unfiltered transmissions from head to paper, via the hand; this exhibition displays the final results of testing and experimenting on both large and small scales in one of the oldest art disciplines. The artists presented are: Stephen Brandes, Claire Carpenter, Gary Coyle, Timothy Emlyn Jones, Brian Fay, Mark Francis, David Godbold, Anita Groener, Katie Holten, Alice Maher, Niamh McCann, Eoin McHugh, Bea McMahon, Nick Miller, Tom Molloy, Isabel Nolan, Eamon O’Kane, Niamh O’Malley, Kathy Prendergast, Jim Savage, Gerda Teljeur and Martin Wedge. admission free (show 6 November – 18 December 09) AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER Luxembourg, M° Place Monge ou Cardinal Lemoine. www.centreculturelirlandais.com

*5 nov 20h Projection d’un film choisi et commenté par Percival Everett Organisée par le cinéma Action Christine AT : Action Christine, 4, rue Christine - Paris 6ème arr. Renseignements : 01 43 25 85 78

*6 nov 19h30 Hommage à J.G.Ballard, écrivain de science-fiction et d'anticipation sociale disparu en avril 2009. Lectures ponctuées d'interventions sonores avec Patrick Bouvet, Emmanuel Rabu/Basile Ferriot, textes de Daniel Foucard, lus par Véronique Levy, musique portradium et, Frédéric Junqua. Rencontres « Jeudi de Chasing Napoleon / Millenium People » Pour plus d'information : http://www.palaisdetokyo.com/fo3/low/programme/index.php?page=evecourt.php&id_eve=2728&session=41&agenda=yes Remerciements à Laure Limongi. Accès / Entrée sur présentation de billet de l'exposition dans la limite des places disponibles.Auditorium. AT : Le Palais de Tokyo, site de création contemporaine,13, avenue du Président Wilson PARIS. M° Iéna, RER C, Pont de l’Alma, Bus 32, 42, 63, 72, 80, 82, 92,

*6 novembre à partir de 18h La librairie vous invite à rencontrer Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN à l'occasion de la parution de Survivance des lucioles Éditions de Minuit AT : Les Cahiers de Colette, 23 rue Rambuteau - Paris 75004 M° Rambuteau.

6 nov à partir de 14h : Violette and Co tient une table de vente au Salon du livre organisé par l'Association française des femmes diplômées d'Université à la Mairie du VIè. Info :

6 nov, de 18:00 - 21:00 : Dans le cadre de l’exposition « Art Stories, fantasmes dévoilés … » Rencontre avec Isabelle TUROVER Au programme : - Conférence sur la Figuration Narrative. Par Jeff Le Mat, Docteur en Psychosociologie et Ethnosociologie, photographe et auteur. - Concert live « meeTing quoTaTions » : Claire (chanteuse, artiste peintre et scénographe) et Hamilton (musicien et vidéaste), un univers post-cyber-indus, qui mêle guitare et sons électroniques, ... AT : Dorothy’s Gallery, 27 rue Keller PARIS11 MER JEU VEN SAM de 13h à 19h et MAR DIM de 16h à 19h M° Bastille 01 43 57 08 51 dorothysgallery@gmail.com or www.dorothysgallery.com

7 Nov 10h00-19h00 Used Book Sale all day at The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire. www.americanlibraryinparis.org

7-9 Nov: EXTRAS/CASTING: The web series MY BITCHY WITCHY PARIS VACATION is looking for adult volunteers (men and women) 25 and older (no maximum age) to be extras. The shoot is in English. There are no speaking roles so if you understand English but aren't comfortable speaking it, don't worry! Participants will be listed in the film's credits. Dates: Nov 7, 3:00pm-10:00pm Nov 8, 9:00am-4:00pm Nov 11, 11:00am-5:00pm Yes, participating for a single day is possible. More info: www.bitchywitchy.com. If interested, please write to: alexisniki@gmail.com

*8th Nov
at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a screenplay by filmmaker and screenplay writer Kartik Singh. “CALLBACK”: is about 24 hours in the life of a brilliant but as yet unknown 40 year actress vying for a leading role in a major Hollywood film that is shooting in Paris. Things seem very hopeful indeed when Grace receives a message requesting a callback. Only one problem. The meeting is to take place at the casting director’s hotel room at midnight. What is Grace prepared to do to get the part that could change her life? Starring: Grace : Maud Buquet; CJ:Marc Duret; Florent : Julien Vialon; Miyoko : Hana Bruderer; & Felucci: Bob McAndrew. For more, see: http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or e-mail Stephanie Campion movingpartsparis@gmail.com for listings! Tel : 06 14 67 18 58 AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries

* 9 Nov 7pm BILINGUAL EVENT with Marina Temkina, author of “What do you Want” (Ugly Duckling Presse) and French poet Zeno Bianu. BIOS: Marina Temkina is a poet/artist-immigrant from Russia. She is the author of four poetry books in her native Russian, and two artists’ books made in collaboration with Michel Gerard that have been published in France. Marina shows her visual art and concrete poetry internationally and received a National Endowment for the Arts in 1994 and was a Revson Fellow at Columbia University. Her new book What Do You Want? is published by Ugly Duckling Press in America and consists of the texts Marina wrote as installations for exhibitions. She lives in New York writing in Russian and in English.Zeno Bianu is a French poet and translator. He has published over 50 works that look at poetry, theatre and the Orient – they include Infiniment proche (Gallimard), La Troisième rive (Fata Morgana), Le Battement du monde (Lettres vives), Les Poètes du Grand Jeu (Poésie / Gallimard), Chet Baker, déploration (Le Castor astral) et Répertoire des apparitions, with drawings by Michel Mousseau (Dumerchez). He has been translated into English by Cid Corman, Pierre Joris and Jack Hirshman.AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel. http://www.shakespeareandcompany.com/

*10 nov 14h as part of the Belles Etrangeres series, Les élèves du lycée Janson de Sailly rencontrent Forrest Gander : Novelist, poet, essayist See
http://www.forrestgander.com for more. Organisée par l’Académie de Paris et le lycée Janson de Sailly avec la librairie Lamartine, Renseignements : 01 44 62 40 67 http://www.ac-paris.fr Europe et International http://www.belles-etrangeres.culture.fr/

*10 nov à partir de 19h. November reading with Yves Di Manno alongside Jerome Rothenberg at Michèle Ignazi's bookstore in the Marais to coincide with publication in November of DiManno’s “Objets d'Amérique”, which includes a full translation of Rothenberg’s “Oracle for Delfi”: A l'occasion de la parution de « Objets d'Amérique » (Editions José Corti) rencontre avec Yves di Manno en présence de Jerome Rothenberg AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, M° : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie

*10 nov 19h Projection du film des Belles Etrangères réalisé par Michael Smith avec les écrivains invités : « De New-York à Los Angeles, douze écrivains américains » et lectures d’extraits de l’anthologie des Belles Etrangères. Organisée par La Scène du Balcon AT : Centre cerise, 46 rue Montorgueil, Paris 75002, Renseignements : 01 42 96 34 98

*10 nov at 19h: BILINGUAL READING with Double Change : American author Forrest Gander will read with French author Bénédicte Vilgrain. Michelle Noteboom, American poet & translator, will read Keith Waldrop’s translation of chapter 3 of Une Grammaire tibétaine with Bénédicte Vilgrain. BIOS: GANDER: Born in the Mojave Desert in Barstow, CA, Forrest Gander grew up in Virginia and spent significant periods in San Francisco, Dolores Hidalgo (Mexico), and Eureka Springs, Arkansas before moving to Rhode Island. He holds degrees in both English lit and geology. He is the author of numerous books of poetry, including
Eye Against Eye, Torn Awake, and Science & Steepleflower, all from New Directions, Gander also writes novels (As a Friend), essays (A Faithful Existence) and translates. His most recent translations are Firefly Under the Tongue: Selected Poems of Coral Bracho (Finalist, PEN Translation Prize), No Shelter: Selected Poems of Pura López Colomé, and, with Kent Johnson, two books by the Bolivian wunderkind Jaime Saenz: The Night and Immanent Visitor: Selected Poems of Jaime Saenz. See http://www.forrestgander.com for more. VILGRAIN: La Grammaire tibétaine de Bénédicte Vilgrain, montage de préceptes grammaticaux avec des proverbes et un conte, paraît depuis 2001 en épisodes et chez différents éditeurs (Contrat main, l'Attente, en revues). Ngà, le huitième épisode, est paru en avril 2009 aux éditions Héros-Limite. En 1984 était paru Le Maître de la pluie, un montage de superstitions chinoises (adapté de relevés de missionnaires jésuites) pour le théâtre d’ombres (Ipomée-Albin-Michel). Bénédicte Vilgrain traduit du tibétain, de l’allemand et de l’anglais, notamment pour la maison d’édition Théâtre Typographique qu’elle a fondé en 1984 et qu’elle dirige avec Bernard Rival (www.thty.fr). AT : Point Éphémère (upstairs, in dance studio), 200 Quai de Valmy – 75010 Paris, M° Jaurès ou Louis Blanc. Entrée libre. Programme disponible sur http://www.belles-etrangeres.culture.fr/ or www.doublechange.org

*10 nov 19h30 Meet American author Yuri Slezkine présenté par François Deweer, Organisée par la librairie du Globe AT : Librairie du Globe, 67, boulevard Beaumarchais Paris 75003. Renseignements : 01 42 77 36 36

10 Nov: 18.30, admission free ExpoTALK– Rosetta Beaugendre présente l’exposition Into Irish Drawing AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER Luxembourg, M° Place Monge ou Cardinal Lemoine.

*12 Nov 7 pm sharp. Margo Berdeshevsky reads at Village Voice from her new collection of short stories, “Beautiful Soon Enough”. She will be introduced by the American poet Jerome Rothenberg. Of “Beautiful Soon Enough”, Robert Olen Butler writes: "A thrillingly cutting-edge work of photos and short-short stories flowing together into an extended erotic dream that limns the inner lives of women deeply yearning for connection and authenticity. A splendid book..." Marilyn Hacker writes, "This is writing with emotional power, great beauty and immediacy, found in the here-and-now, woven with extraordinary awareness of what is precisely not beautiful in human life. So MUCH verbal beauty, with the eternal quality of the tale or fable." BIO: A lifelong voyager, born in New York City, Margo is currently living in Paris. She is the author of a first poetry collection, an award winning writer, whose honors include Fiction Collective Two's American Book Review/Ronald Sukenick Award for Innovative Fiction (given to Beautiful Soon Enough,) the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America (selected by Marie Ponsot,) 5 Pushcart Prize nominations and special mention in Pushcart 2008. Her poetic novel, Vagrant, is forthcoming from Red Hen Press. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*12 Nov at 19h30: Wice “Writers on Writing” series invites Janet Skeslien Chales to talk about how to take a subject that fascinates you as a writer and transform it into a subject that will fascinate your reader, whether through fiction or nonfiction. She will also talk about the process of writing and research. Janet is the author of Moonlight in Odessa. Originally from Montana, Janet Skeslien Charles has lived in Paris since 1999. She has led writing workshops at the American Library, WICE, and Shakespeare and Company. The backdrop of her new novel Moonlight in Odessa (Bloomsbury) is the booming business of e-mail order brides, an industry where love and marriage meet sex and money. While at the University of Montana, Janet Skeslien Charles translated letters from desperate Russian women to lonely American men. She also interpreted for Russian women married to Americans. After finishing her degree in English literature, she spent two years in Odessa, Ukraine, as a Soros Fellow. During this time, she spoke with Western men who went to socials. She also met women who found husbands through international matchmaking organizations. The interviews with these men and women before and after the wedding make up the framework of her novel. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire.

*12 nov 19h Rencontre avec les auteurs américains Hannah Tinti et Percival Everett, présentés par Hubert Artus, Organisée par Rue89 et le Centre national du livre avec la librairie Les Cahiers de Colette AT : Centre national du livre, 53 rue de Verneuil, Paris 75007 Renseignements : 01 49 54 68 68
http://www.centrenationaldulivre.fr/ or for full info : http://www.belles-etrangeres.culture.fr/

12 Nov 19.30, The Green Fields of France in the presence of the director Alan Gilsenan
admission free, reservation recommended, in English, 50 mins Marking Armistice Day, The Green Fields of France is a poetic documentary film about the Irish who died in World War One, with the voices of Frank McGuinness, John Banville and Peter Fallon as Irish poets Patrick MacGill, Francis Ledwidge and Thomas Kettle. The film was produced by Yellow Asylum Films as part of the RTE ‘True Lives’ series. Alan Gilsenan will introduce the screening and answer questions afterwards. 1998 50 mins. AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER Luxembourg, M° Place Monge ou Cardinal Lemoine.

*13 Nov at 21h00. Jazz-Poetry Concert: Moe Seager's Blue Note Metaphor Jazz Band. The Blue Note Metaphor Band plays Moe Seager's poems arranged in Bop, Blues and Love Ballads. With: Moe Seager - Poet- Vocalist, Rasul Siddik – Trumpet, Bobby Few – Piano, Harry Swift - Bass AT: Cafe Universel, 267 rue Saint Jacques, M°s: RER Port Royal & RER Luxembourg. Tel for more info: 01 43 25 74 20. Free Admission!

*13 Nov at 6p.m.NOTE THE TIME CHANGE: Reading by 3 American authors for "Les poètes inventent l'Europe," series, with Marilyn Hacker, Jerome Rothenberg and Ellen Hinsey. BIOS: AT: La Maison de la poésie, Passage Molière, 157 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris.

13 nov à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photos de MICHEL GUILLAUME "Abandon". AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.

*14 nov at 15h : Bilingual English/French reading Eleni Sikelianos & Béatrice Trotignon. Reading /meet the author of poetry & lyric biography, Eleni Sikelianos, présentée par sa traductrice, Béatrice Trotignon. Béatrice Trotignon animera une rencontre avec la poète américaine contemporaine Eleni Sikelianos (qu’elle a traduit aux Editions Grèges), composée d'une lecture bilingue du California Poem / Poème Californie avec une scénographie originale. Cette lecture est dans le cadre des Belles Etrangères, organisant du 9 au 21 novembre des rencontres avec 12 écrivains américains dans plusieurs villes de France. Pour accéder au programme complet par date, ville et auteur invité par les Belles Etrangères, consulter: www.belles-etrangeres.culture.fr AT : la Maison de la Poésie à Paris (Passage Molière, 157 rue Saint-Martin, 75003) Entrée libre et gratuite.

*14 Nov at 20h THE SAW PROJECT (Le projet de la scie) de Chim N. au Studio Coriandre, propose une poésie-musique: concerts et "works-in-progress" réguliers (mensuel/bimensuel) autour de la scie musicale, son instrument de prédilection. En collaboration avec des artistes clefs, des voix distinctes (Bobby FEW, Harry SWIFT, Ramon LOPEZ, Joëlle LEANDRE, Tatsuya NAKATANI...) l'axe principal de ce projet est et a toujours été la poésie et la musique, leur complementarité aussi bien que ce qui les sépare, déchire--c'est-a-dire leurs contours incandescents--à la recherche d'une synergie avec d'autres formes artistiques. With Joëlle LEANDRE: Contrebasse & Chim NWABUEZE: Scie Musicale, Etc. Participation: 10 euros /8 euros: tarif reduit "J'ai toujours voulu sortir la scie musicale/lame sonore du contexte du cirque et d'une certaine image "convenue" qui l'a trop souvent confinée au rang de simple curiosité. J'ai donc tenté une autre approche, très personnelle, et d'autres mises-en-jeu. The Saw Project est l'expression, parmi d'autres, d'un tel plaisir". AT : Le lieu: Studio Coriandre, 86 rue Gaston Lauriau, Montreuil, Tel: 06 17 80 61 49 M°: Marie de Montreuil

*16 Nov at 19H/ Jerome Rothenberg is reading with Jean-Pierre Faye for PEN Club français and Double Change at 6, Rue François Miron, 75004 Paris. Watch for complete info on
http://www.penclub.fr/ or Double Change’s site www.doublechange.org.

* 16 Nov 7pm Prize-winning novelist, critic and cultural historian Marina Warner reading from her work-in-progress novel inspired by her father’s bookshop in Egypt in the Fifties and discussing her writing on the 1001 Nights. Marina Warner writes fiction, children’s books, criticism and history; her works include novels and short stories as well as studies of female myths and symbols. Marina is also currently writing a book about magic and magicians, with the working title Stranger Magic. Marina has received a CBE and was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.
www.marinawarner.comMuch of Marina Warner’s writing is concerned with an analysis of the mythology, folklore and archetypes surrounding the feminine throughout history. Her non-fiction books include Monuments and Maidens: The Allegory of the Female Form (winner of Fawcett Book Prize), From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers and No Go the Bogeyman: Scaring, Lulling and Making Mock. Researching fairy tales at the Getty Research Institute, Marina became only the second woman to deliver the BBC’s Reith Lectures, published as Managing Monsters: Six Myths of Our Time. Other books include Fantastic Metamorphoses, Other Worlds, a collection of writing spanning 25 years Signs & Wonders: Essays on Literature & Culture & Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions, Metaphors and Media into the Twenty-first Century. Her fiction includes The Lost Father (shortlisted for the Booker Prize and winner of the Commonwealth Writer’s Prize), Indigo, The Leto Bundle, Mermaids in the Basement & Murderers I Have Known and Other Stories. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel. http://www.shakespeareandcompany.com/

*16 nov 17h. Rencontre avec Yuri Slezkine et Annette Wieviorka présentés par Alain Blum Organisée par les éditions La Découverte et l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales (EHESS) AT : EHESS, 105 Boulevard Raspail - Paris 75006. Renseignements : 01 49 54 25 25
http://www.belles-etrangeres.culture.fr/ for program and bio.

16 Nov : Journées du livre européen : L’Europe gourmande Regina Sexton The Journées du livre européen were set up to promote European literature and encourage intercultural dialogue. For this second edition (14 – 21 Nov 09), the theme is gastronomy and the cookery book. Food historian Regina Sexton is the author of ‘A Little History of Irish Food’. Designed to entice people to try cooking as they did in Ireland years ago, her book looks at food from the farm and farmyard, the garden and the dairy, hunting and fishing, as well as soups, breads, desserts and drinks. Combining food with social history, Regina Sexton has also gathered numerous quotes from historical sources and traditional Irish lore. An Bord Bia invites you to taste Irish cheeses and other delicacies - an Irish gastronomic treat. AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER Luxembourg, M° Place Monge ou Cardinal Lemoine.

*16 nov 19h Meet and hear American authors Hannah Tinti & Colson Whitehead, présentés par Nathalie Crom. Organisée par la Bibliothèque publique d’information (BPI) avec la librairie Flammarion, AT : BPI – Centre Beaubourg, Centre Georges Pompidou - Petite Salle (niveau -1) - Paris 75004. Renseignements : 01 44 78 44 49
http://www.bpi.fr or http://www.belles-etrangeres.culture.fr/

17 Nov at 19h30 : Bilingual reading, IVY Writers with Christophe Marchand-Kiss and Beverley Bie Brahic ! BIOS: Beverley Bie Brahic is the author of a collection of poems, Against Gravity (Worple Press, 2005), and of ten translations from the French, most recently Hélène Cixous’s Hyperdream (Polity Press, 2008) and Francis Ponge’s prose poems, Unfinished Ode to Mud (CBeditions, 2008, shortlisted for the 2009 Popescu Prize for European Poetry in Translation). Her work has appeared in Poetry, The Southern Review, Notre Dame Review, The TLS, Verse, Fence, and elsewhere. She has been awarded a Canada Council for the Arts grant and a residency at Yaddo. A Canadian she lives in Paris, and Stanford, California. Other books of translation by Brahic include: Julia Kristeva’s This Incredible Need to Believe (Columbia UP, 2009), Jacques Derrida’s Geneses, Genealogies, Genres and Genius (Columbia UP, 2006, and 6 books by Hélène Cixous: Manhattan (Fordham, 2007), Dream I Tell You (Columbia UP, 2006), The Day I Wasn’t There (Northwestern UP, 2006), Reveries of the Wild Woman (Northwestern UP, 2006), Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint ( Columbia UP, 2004), and Hélène Cixous with Roni Horn: Agua Viva (Rings of Lispector) (Steidl Verlag, 2006) Christophe Marchand-Kiss est né en 1964. Il a dirigé la collection « L’Œil du poète » aux Éditions Textuel. Auteur de performances, traducteur de l’anglais (Herman Melville, Edgar Poe, John Cage, Gertrude Stein, Peter Greenaway, Yoko Ono, Erns Jandl (de l'allemand) et de jeunes poètes américains), il est l’auteur de Regard fatigué (Aleph, 1998), Traduire en poésie (collectif, Farrago, 2001),Léo Ferré, la musique avant tout(Textuel, 2004),Gainsbourg, le génie sinon rien (Textuel 2006). Livres récents :• aléas, Le bleu du ciel, Bordeaux, 2007.• Moins quelque chose, première partie, Idp éditeur, 2007.• Gainsbourg, le génie sinon rien, éditions Textuel, Paris, 2005.• alter ago suivi de biography, éditions Textuel, Paris, 2005.• Text and Line in Figurated Poems and Calligrams, in Spatula, edited by Gordon Shrigley, Marmalade, London, 2004. • Poésie ? détours (collectif), Textuel, Paris, 2004.• Haus/raus-aus, avec Natacha Nisic, La lettre volée, Bruxelles, 2003.• Léo Ferré, la musique avant tout, Textuel, Paris, 2003.• Ich bin nicht Innerlich (collectif) - à propos de Gottfried Benn, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 2003. AT: Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris. M° Etienne Marcel, RER Les Halles.

*18 Nov at 19h30: Design authority Stephen Bayley discusses his new book, Woman as Design, a completely original look at how design has appropriated the female form If woman had been designed, what was the brief? Stephen Bayley discusses how the female body works as a sign, a symbol, a designed object. He takes us from Aphrodite to the Delta of Venus to the industrialization of the brest (in bra form), examining pin-ups and stereotypes, and reappraising that most familiar, yet mysterious of things, the female body -- a masterpiece of design, the perfect marriage of form and function. For over thirty years, Stephen Bayley's articles and books have changed people's perceptions of design. With Terence Conran, he created the influential Boilerhouse Project in London's V&A and the unique Design Museum which resulted from it. An award-winning commentator on art and design, he was made Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts in 1989. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire.

*18 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec PASCALE MOLINIER et PATRICIA PAPERMAN sur la question du "care". AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.

*FOR KIDS: the 19th of Nov 10h30-11h00 (ages 1-3) Mother Goose Lap Sit : Rhymes, songs, and stories in English. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire. www.americanlibraryinparis.org

*19 nov 16h Les étudiants de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales (EHESS) rencontrent Richard White Organisée par l’EHESS AT : EHESS, 105 bd Raspail – Paris 75006. M° St Placide. Renseignements : 01 49 54 25 25

*19 Nov 7 pm sharp. Author Etel Adnan will present two of her books, Seasons and Master of the Eclipse & Other Stories. The latter is a new collection of stories about displacement, love, loss, poetry and war, from the Lebanese poet and painter who has been called "arguably the most celebrated and accomplished Arab-American author writing today" (Melus) The stories in Master of the Eclipse are populated by filmmakers, poets, girls, professors, and prostitutes who live in Beirut, Paris, Sicily, California, Saddam's Iraq, and New York. The world of these stories is ours, with the same occupations and wars--a "world that would be a cemetery" were it not also a place where taxis are "yellow flowers floating down the avenues." From the collection's title story, a long meditation on history and war, power and poetry, to its concluding tale, a strangely quiet vision of a tree floating in a Damascus stream, Etel Adnan's painterly vision, her cosmopolitan flexibility, and her philosophical bent are on full display. This is a woman, after all, trained in philosophy at the Sorbonne, Harvard, and the University of California at Berkeley, who became a painter, and then a poet. Her voice comes to us as something the opposite of her title: She is a master of light and revelation, of language, variety, and color. To see is to think writes Etel Adnan in Seasons. This means that she keeps her attention at the constant intersection of our selves with climate and environment. The result is a kind of inner platonic dialogue between the senses and the mind, one s skin and the world.AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*19 nov 19h30 Hear American author Percival Everett/ Rencontre avec Percival Everett présenté par Valérie Martin Organisée par la librairie Voyelle AT : Librairie Voyelle, 98 rue des Entrepreneurs - Paris 75015. Renseignements : 01 48 56 05 74

*19th November at 7:30 pm at the American Library: REMINDER FOR SCREENWRITERS Judith Merians presents the third in her monthly series of lectures. The French Connection: Discover why a film has to have a protagonist and an antagonist who are of equal strength to make the story compelling. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/index.php?view=details&id=154%3Aa-night-at-the-movies-with-judith-merians&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=807. AT : The American Library.

20 nov : Violette and Co tient une table de vente au Colloque Renée Vivien organisé par les éditions ErosOnyx (association Nixetnox) au Reid Hall, Paris VIè

*20 Nov 7 pm sharp. Dr. Nafisi will discuss her new memoir “Things I've Been Silent About” as well as touch on issues relating to current events in Iran. Azar Nafisi, author of the beloved international bestseller “Reading Lolita in Tehran”, now gives us a stunning personal story of growing up in Iran, memories of her life lived in thrall to a powerful and complex mother, against the background of a country's political revolution. A girl's pain over family secrets; a young woman's discovery of the power of sensuality in literature; the price a family pays for freedom in a country beset by political upheaval - these and other threads are woven together in this beautiful memoir, as a gifted storyteller once again transforms the way we see the world and "reminds us of why we read in the first place" (Newsday). “Things I've Been Silent About” is also a powerful historical portrait of a family that spans many periods of change leading up to the Islamic Revolution of 1978-79, which turned Azar Nafisi's beloved Iran into a religious dictatorship. Writing of her mother's historic term in Parliament, even while her father, once mayor of Tehran, was in jail, Nafisi explores the remarkable "coffee hours" her mother presided over, where at first women came together to gossip, to tell fortunes, and to give silent acknowledgment of things never spoken about, and which then evolved into gatherings where men and women would meet to openly discuss the unfolding revolution. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*20 nov 18:00-21:00 Rencontre avec Claude Como : Projections, lectures, intermède musicalEntrée libre pendant l’expo Art Stories : fantasmes dévoilés ... (expo jusqu’au 6 décembre 2009) COMO KITO TUROVER MILSHTEIN Commissaire, Véronique Grange-Spahis AT : Dorothy’s Gallery, 27 rue Keller PARIS11 MER JEU VEN SAM de 13h à 19h et MAR DIM de 16h à 19h M° Bastille 01 43 57 08 51 dorothysgallery@gmail.com or http://www.dorothysgallery.com/

*21 Nov: 17 h. Danielle Mémoire au Centre Pompidou! Danielle Mémoire sera l'invitée du Festival Rosebud. AT : Galerie Sud, Centre Pompidou, Place Georges Pompidou , 75004 Paris

21 November, opening at 10:30am “Revue d'ici là #4”: Preview. Show continues until Thursday, January 21 at 1:00pm. AT: 19 rue Eugène Varlin 75010 Paris

22 Nov : 17 h. Olivier Cadiot au Centre Pompidou. Olivier Cadiot reviendra sur son parcours dans le cadre du festival Rosebud. AT : Galerie Sud, Centre Pompidou, Place Georges Pompidou , 75004 Paris

*22nd Nov at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by Georgia Smith: "Natural Religion" For more, see:
www.movingparts.org.uk or e-mail Stephanie Campion movingpartsparis@gmail.com for listings! Tel : 06 14 67 18 58 AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries

*23 nov 18h30-20h : L'Arsenal de la poésie. Grands poètes d'aujourd'hui « Salah Stétié » avec Maxime Del Fiol, Poète ; Antoine de Meaux, Poète ; et Raphaëline Goupilleau, Comédienne, Lecteur. Soirée en hommage au poète Salah Stétié en sa présence. Ce nouveau cycle propose d'accueillir à la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal les grands poètes vivants. entrée libre MAIS réservation obligatoire au 01 53 79 49 49. AT : Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, 1, rue Sully75004 Paris, Tél : 33(0)1 53 79 39 39 M° Lignes 7, (Sully-Morland), 1, 5, et 8 (Bastille), Bus : 67, 86, 87

* 23 Nov 7pm A bilingual poetry reading: French poet Celine Zins, will be reading in French from her collection of poetry Adamah and her American translator Peter Schulman will be reading his English version. Celine and Peter will also talk about the caveats and collaborative techniques of translation. Celine Zins is a widely published poet/writer in France and is a translator for writers such as Philip Roth, Joyce Carol Oates, Carlos Fuentes, Ernest Hemingway, and others. Adamah was originally published by Gallimard in French and has just been released in a bilingual edition by Gival Press. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel. http://www.shakespeareandcompany.com/

FOR KIDS: 25th Nov 3:30 p.m. WH Smith’s November Kids' Club Theme: Where the Wild Things Are 'Max and the MaxiMonsters' (in theatres 16th December) Kids' Club is a free monthly reading in English for children ages 4 to 8 held on the last Wednesday of every month, though Dec will meet the 9th of Dec, too, due to holiday travels. RSVP to have kids attend the Nov event by writing to
books@whsmith.fr with 'November Kids' Club RSVP' AT: WH Smith, 248, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris M° Concorde Exit: rue Cambon for more: http://www.whsmith.fr/evenementsE.htm

25 Nov 4pm (exceptional event) Left Bank walking tour and book signing with Michael Schuermann, author of Paris Movie Walks – starting and ending at Shakespeare and Company. Join us for a special tour with Michael Schuermann, author of Paris Movie Walks. Michael will take you to his specially chosen Parisian haunts, passing Notre Dame Cathedral and exploring the Rive Gauche as he describes classics such as An American in Paris, A Bout de Souffle and of course Before Sunset which was partly shot at Shakespeare and Company. The walk is free and will last for 60-90 minutes and will start and finish at Shakespeare and Company with a book signing. Just turn up and come along!AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.

*25 nov 20h : Poète/publique : rencontre avec Fred Léal & Franck Pruja & Françoise Valéry / l’Attente Dans le cadre de "poète//public", résidence d'écriture qu'il effectue au Comptoir des mots de septembre 09 à juin 10, Frédéric Forte vous invite pour rencontrer un poète et son éditeur. Comment un auteur conçoit-il un livre de poésie ? Quel est le rôle de l’éditeur ? Les invités tenteront de répondre à ces questions, et à d’autres…AU :Comptoir des mots, 239, rue des Pyrénées, Paris 75020. http://poete-public.blogspot.com/ for more & to read Forte ‘s installments on this continued « residency » experience.

*25 Nov at19h30: French journalist and author of De la Culture en Amérique, Frédéric Martel discusses American culture from Roosevelt to Obama -- how the arts have been created, financed and received by Americans.Based on his travels throughout the United States, and compiled from four years of research and over 700 interviews, Martel's De la Culture en Amérique is a provocative look at the factors that shape modern American culture. It is also a challenge to the conventional French view that culture must be financed and organized by government. BIO: A former French cultural attaché in Boston, Frédéric Martel's articles have appeared in l'Express, The Nation, and Le Monde. He is currently a professor at Sciences-Po, Paris and the HEC's MBA. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris RER Alma Marceau or M° Ecole Militaire.

*25 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec EVELYNE LE GARREC pour la publication de son livre Séverine (1855-1929). Vie et combats d'une frondeuse (L'Archipel). AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.

*26 Nov à 19h30. Celine Dubois, Anne Portugal et Stacy Doris au Centre Pompidou A l'occasion de l'accrochage "elle@centrepompidou", Caroline Dubois, Anne Portugal et Stacy Doris interpèteront Paramour (POL), le livre de Stacy Doris. 19 heures 30Musée du Centre Pompidou, Place Georges Pompidou , 75004 Paris

*27 nov à 18 h L’INVITÉE DU MOIS DE NOVEMBRE 09 : Denise DESAUTELS. Denise Desautels vient de recevoir le prix Athanase-David, l’un des 11 Prix du Québec décernés à des personnalités de la science et de la culture pour l'ensemble de leur carrière.Derniers livres parus : L'oeil au ralenti, Éd. du Noroît, Montréal 2007 Le coeur et autres mélancolies, Éd. Apogée, Rennes 2007. présentation de Quai Rimbaud, texte de Denise Desautels avec cinq aquatintes de Gabriel Belgeonne, coédition Roselin et Tandem 2009. AT : Salon Page(s) Espace Charenton 327, rue de Charenton 75012 Paris informations et invité du mois sur le site http://www.claude-ber.org/

*27 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec FRANCK CHAUMONT pour la parution de son essai Homo-ghetto. Gays et lesbiennes dans les cités : les clandestins de la République (Le Cherche midi). Pendant deux ans, Franck Chaumont, persuadé qu'il existe une société à deux vitesses sur la question de l'homosexualité, a recueilli les témoignages de Nadir, Sébastien, Dialo, Nadia... Tous et toutes ont en commun le mensonge et la schizophrénie liés à leur double vie et à la peur d'être démasqués : ce sont les homos des cités de Clermont-Ferrand, Paris ou Toulouse. Il nous restitue ici leurs témoignages et ne manque pas de souligner le lien entre homophobie et sexisme. La deuxième partie du livre est consacrée à un état des lieux de cette république à deux vitesses. Franck Chaumont a été journaliste à Beur FM et à RFI ; il a dirigé la communication de Ni putes ni soumises jusqu'en 2007. AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

*28 nov: 2 - 8 pm Book party and photo exhibit for steve dalachinsky and jacques bisceglia's new book “reaching into the unknown” - rogueart 2009. Reading at 6 pm w/ didier lasserre - batterie AT: the home of michel dorbon, 30 rue rambuteau paris 75003

*29 nov 2- 6 pm steve dalachinsky reading at 6 pm w/joelle leandre contrabassAT: the home of michel dorbon, 30 rue rambuteau paris 75003

* 30 November 7pm Thaddeus Rutkowski, Roughhouse & Tetched and novelist Charles D’Ambrosio reading from a selection of their work. Rutkowski’s first novel, Roughhouse was a finalist for an Asian American Literary Award. He has received four Pushcart Prize nominations. He teaches fiction writing at the Writer’s Voice of the West Side YMCA in New York. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and daughter. See samples of his work and videos of Thaddeus performing on his website
www.thaddeusrutkowski.com On Tetched: A Novel in Fractals ‘. . . tough and funny and touching and harrowing.’ - John Barth‘. . . one of the most original writers in America today.’ – Alison Lurie. D’Ambrosio has published two collections of short stories, The Point (finalist for the Hemingway Foundation / PEN Award and a New York Times Notable Book of the Year) and The Dead Fish Museum (winner of the 2007 Washington State Book Award for Fiction) and a collection of essays Orphans. His writings have appeared in The New Yorker, The Stranger, The Paris Review, Zoetrope All-Story, and A Public Space. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel. http://www.shakespeareandcompany.com/

A PEEK INTO December's Readings:

*1 déc à 19h30. Bilingual reading for IVY Writers with Stephen Rodefer and Julien Blaine, poète sonore, Julien Blaine, poète, artist, performeur, cinéaste, is the author of dozens of books, editor of Doc(k)s, organizer of many cultural events and reading series in France--he created the CiPM!, & a highly sought out performer. To name a few, his books include: “Sogno ad occhi aperti », portfolio, éditions Tracce, 2009 ; Tshakapesh, éditions Fidel Anthelme X, 2008 ; Mé dire, éditions Althæa, 2008 ; Sou dan, édition Beaux-Arts de Besançon, 2007 ; Julien Blaine au Blockhaus DY 10, éditions Dernier Télégramme, 2007 ; Qui sommes-nous & À quoi jouons-nous, éditions Leuwers-Billet, 2007 ; 1 2 3, éditions le Trident neuf, 2007 ; Fables, édition PLAine Page, 2006 ; Le vent, collection Tourni-Paix, édition à ciel ouvert,2004 ; Diptyque : affiches n° 35 & n° 36, édition le bleu du ciel, 2004 ; ENvers:inversé, édition Beaux-Arts de Metz, 2003 ; Éclats d'éveil (bréviaire) traduction au carré g&g, édition Al Dante, 2002 ; Comment je parle et d'où et quoi je dis, édition Lazlo de Toulon, 2002 ; Je ne suis pas américain ®, édition Al Dante,2001 ; À SViVRE, édition ARTCi-Lab, 1999 ; Y A 1 Lézard, édition Derrière la Salle de Bains, 1997 ; Horizons avec Yves Jolivet, édition Le mot et le reste, 1996 ; & ( ), avec Jacques Clauzel, édition À travers, 1996 ; Pour tous ceux qui flambent, édition Les Cahiers de la Sérane, 1994 ; Carnet(s) de piste, édition Jacques Clauzel, 1993 ; Le Troisième mot, édition Doc(k)s, 1989 ; Poëmes n° 12909 (Les Anartistes), 1987 ; Origina (e)(i)(o)(u)l, édition E.A. Vigo, 1987 ; Discours, avant-propos, édition Manicle, 1983 ; Genèse, édition Hercule de Paris, 1983 ; Ch'i, Unfinitude édition NèPE, 1982 ; Autopsies 1, 2, 3, édition Tau/Ma, 1976 ; Dernière tentative de l'individu, édition Geiger, 1970 ; Cette carte et autres faits, édition Approches, 1968 ; and Les Ponts sont des mots étirés, édition Robho, 1967. A list of his art shows & books can also be found at
http://documentsdartistes.org/cgi-bin/site/affiche_art_web.cgi?&ACT=1&SEL=bio&ID=255 A few sites on Julien Blaine : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julien_Blaine, or http://www.averse.com/j-blaine/ or http://www.la-poesie-elementaire.net/Poetes%20ordinaires/blaine.htm and also http://www.sitec.fr/users/akenatondocks/DOCKS-datas AT: Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris. M° Etienne Marcel, RER Les Halles. http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com

*2 déc à 19h : Rencontre avec MAYLIS DE KERANGAL et JOY SORMAN pour la parution de l'ouvrage qu'elles ont dirigé Femmes et sport. Regards sur les athlètes, les supportrices et les autres (Hélium) AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.

*3 Dec 7 pm sharp. On the occasion of the publication of her new book, "The Cost of Living", Mavis Gallant will deliver a reading of her work. Mavis Gallant is admired and beloved as one of the masters of the modern short story. She is a prolific writer, and her 1996 Collected Stories of Mavis Gallant was more than eight hundred pages long. Even so, this weighty volume left out many wonderful stories that appeared in now out-of-print volumes or in The New Yorker, where Gallant has been a regular contributor for the last half century. Now The Cost of Living, with an introduction by Jhumpa Lahiri, provides an extensive new sampling of this great writer's work. Gallant's has always been a cosmopolitan sensibility, and these stories take us from Quebec to postwar Europe, with side trips to Germany and the south of France, before landing in Paris, where Gallant has long lived. A further group of stories are set in New York and New England during the Mad Men era. Everywhere the book reveals Gallant's subtly penetrating psychological insight and unsentimental sympathy for the excluded and exiled, not to mention her wicked sense of humor. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6 rue Princesse, Paris 6°, m° St Germain, or Mabillon.

*6th Dec at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by Sarah Canner "What Maisie Knew" (screenplay) For more, see: www.movingparts.org.uk or e-mail Stephanie Campion movingpartsparis@gmail.com for listings! Tel : 06 14 67 18 58 AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries

Jorge Luis Borges said: “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” (from thinkexist.com)

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