22 February 2007


MARCH EVENTS : Part I: Readings, plays and expos by date
(asterisks for readings)

To 30 March 2007, (19h30 - 16h3o- weekdays). "Jostled by Ghosts", exhibition of poetry, drawings and paintings by Angela Howard (poet) and Christine Chamson (artist) at WICE, 20 boulevard Montparnasse.

To 24 March (mardi-samedi de 14h-19h) A FABULOUS expo of work by young French visual artist, JULIE LEGRAND: “Faire et défaire”. Legrand also has work on display at la maison rouge. The galérie show is in a galérie situation in a courtyard: GALERIE ANTON WELLER, 9 rue Christine, 75006 Paris. Métro Odéon.

To 7 April: Photography exhibit by Jean-François Rauzier “Hyper-Photo” see site http://www.hyper-photo.com/ for samples. At: Dorothy’s Gallery, 27 rue Keller 75011 Paris, Bastille, Tel: 01 43 57 08 51. http://www.dorothysgallery.com/

1er mars à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de peintures de MAËLLE-MORGANE DEHESDIN "Models" (exposition du 28 février au 25 mars) à la librairie Violette & Co 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07 www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

*4th March, SUNDAY, at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play IN FRENCH by Jean-Claude Gerbeaud "Happy End" (yes, in French) AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris Metro: Tuileries http://www.scamparis.com/ or movingparts@wanadoo.fr for mailings + Info with StephanieCampion on : 06 14 67 18 58

4, 11, 18, 25 March—6:30pm. PARIS SOIREES take place every Sunday evening with cocktails, dinner & discussion, often with visiting authors and artists or political, philosophical or “living in France” topics. Contact Patricia to get on her great listing: Patricia Laplante-Collins,13, rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, France, Tel: (33) 1 43 26 12 88 Email: parissoirees@hotmail.com or see their site ! http://www.parissoirees.com/

5, 12, 19, 16 March, 7pm. Check out Mondaysat7 (http://www.mondaysat7.com/) who provide great PLAYS written & performed in English with Bela Grushka, Georgina Ridealgh, Diana Stewart-Rossiné and 2007 guest artists Pitt Simon and Leonard Matton. AT: the Sudden Theatre, 14bis rue Ste. Isaure, 75018.

*7 mars 19h30. Meet & Hear Irish novelist & poet John Banville BIO : John Banville vit à Dublin. Depuis son premier livre, Long Lankin (publié en 1970), son œuvre est saluée par toute la critique et récompensée par de nombreux grands prix littéraires. Après Éclipse (2002), Impostures (2003) et Athena (2005), John Banville conquiert enfin le grand public avec son quatorzième roman La Mer (Robert Laffont, 2007). AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 - Paris www.centreculturelirlandais.com 3 euros, reserve in advance if possible.

7, 14, 21, 28 March—6:30pm. PARIS networking SOIREES take place every Wednesday evening with cocktails, dinner & discussion, Wednesdays are dedicated to business & networking encounters. Contact to get on listing for both networking nights and Sunday’s cultural evenings listing: Patricia Laplante-Collins,13, rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, France, Tel: (33) 1 43 26 12 88 Email: parissoirees@hotmail.com or see their site ! http://www.parissoirees.com/

* 8 March—18h30. Double Change, Tamaas, et L'Institut du Monde Arabe dans le cadre du Printemps des poètes vous invitent à assister à « Lettre: L'Autre, Part II » a MULTILINGUAL READING with : Etel Adnan, Jennifer K Dick, Nina Esber, Safaa Fathy, Virginie Laluq, Vannina Maestri, Leïla Marouane, Véronique Pittolo, Virginie Poitrasson, Sarah Riggs & Donna Stonecipher. These short readings written specially for the event will be followed by music by Nadia Gerber and Neziha Meftah. This reading echoes and responds to work on questions of multiplicities of the self, international migration, fear and our responses to it. "Dans le flux qui rencontre un obstacle," comme dit Christophe Tarkos, il produit un discours distinct de celui des médias. Ensemble, 12 écrivains de culture américaine, arabe et française donnent une lecture polyphonique sous forme de lettres, poèmes et fictions s'adressant à l'autre culture / genre / langue et à l'autre en nous. Bios : Adnan est écrivaine et peintre. l'auteur, notamment, de Sitt Marie-Rose (éd. des Femmes, 1978) et Of Cities and Women (Letters to Fawwaz) (Post-Apollo Press,1993). Dick est l'auteur de Fluorescence (Univ de Georgia, 2004) et Retina/Rétine (Estepa Editions, 2005). Elle vit en France où elle enseigne à l'ENSAE et prépare sa thèse à Paris III. Esber est artiste plasticienne et écrivaine. Auteur de Leil al Awal (Annahar, Beirut, 2001) et Conversations avec Adonis, mon père (Seuil, 2006). Performances/videos 2006: Les ailes du Dessin et La force de l'art, Grand Palais. Fathy est poète et cinéaste. Derniers films: D'ailleurs Derrida, Nom à la mer, Dardasha Socotora, surîle la plus isolée du monde (l'île de phénix). Dernière publication: Tourner les mots avec Jacques Derrida, ... Lalucq est l’auteur de Couper les tiges (Compac't, 2001) et Fortino Sàmano - Les débordements du poème avec Jean-Luc Nancy (Galilée, 2004.). Maestri a co-dirigé la revue JAVA. Dernières publications: Vie et aventures de Norton ou Ce qui est visible à l'œil nu, (Al Dante, collection Niok, 2002) ; Poésie? Détours (collectif) (Ed. Textuel, 2004) ; et Mobiles, (Al Dante, 2005). Marouane, journaliste en Algérie, puis en France, elle se consacre exclusivement à l'écriture romanesque depuis 1996.: La jeune fille et la mère (Seuil, 2005), Les Criquelins (Mille et une nuits, 2004), Le châtiment des hypocrites (Seuil, 2001). Pittolo est écrivain qui travaille sur les représentations et la notion de personnage, à travers une poésie narrative qui mêle le mythe et une réflexion sur le monde contemporain : Héros ; Shrek ; Gary Cooper ne lisait pas de livres et Opéra isotherme (éditions Al Dante). Poitrasson est poète et traductrice qui a publié Épisodes de la lueur (L'atelier du Hanneton, 2004) et Série ombragée (Propos2, 2006) et la traduction de Slowly : Lentement, de Lyn Hejinian (Format Américain, 2006). Riggs est poète et plasticienne. Auteur de Word Sightings (Routledge), et de deux livres de poésie: 28 Télégrammes (Editions de L'Attente) et Waterwork (Chax). Elle participe aux associations Double Change et Tamaas et enseigne à Columbia University, Paris. Stonecipher est l'auteur de The Reservoir (Georgia, 2002) et Souvenir de Constantinople (Instance, 2007). Quelques uns de ses poèmes ont paru récemment en France dans les revues Po&sie, Europe, et Le Mâche-Laurier.An exploration of this in the language of these 12 authors is not to be missed!!!! AT: INSITIUT DU MONDE ARABE, (Salle du Haut Conseil, niveau 9), 1 rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard, Place Mohammed-V, 75005 Paris metro Sully Morland and a walk over ile St Louis, or metro Jussieu. Bus 86, 87, etc.

* 8 March 8--7:00pm Discussion & Booksigning with Jean-Jacques Greif. Author of “The Fighter” (Bloomsbury US) Greif will discuss his experience of writing teen/young adult fiction for US as well as for French publishers. Greif lives in Paris, where he works as a journalist for the magazine, Marie Claire. He says, "I was born in Paris in 1944. My parents and their friends spoke French with a strong Polish accent. Some of them (including my father) had blue numbers tattooed on their arms” and when young he found their lives and stories dull, but later “I had become a journalist and writer. I started interviewing them. Five of my twenty published novels are based on what my parents and their friends told me. This is one of them." Learn more about Jean-Jacques Greif on his bilingual web site http://www.jjgreif.com/. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel / Fax (+33) 01 48 04 75 08 red.wheelbarrow@wanadoo.fr or http://www.theredwheelbarrow.com/ M° St Paul

*8 March—7pm. On the occasion of the publication in French of “A la Recherche de B. Traven” (éd. Les Fondeurs de Briques) author Jonah Raskin discusses his essay on B.Traven “In Search of B.Traven” AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. Métro: Mabillon http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/author_events.html

9th. March 10 AM. Michael Heller, NY author and poet, at Université du Maine. LeMans. Programme du Colloque International: “L’impersonnel en littérature” Plenary address: “The Voice of the Impersonal.”*9th. March 7 PM Poetry reading with Michael Heller, NY author and poet, at Université du Maine. LeMans..

9 MARCH--Art Expo : see this great group expo sur l'expedition qui commence a 'la galerie' il y aura quelques nouvelles oeuvres de simon boudvin AT : 'la galerie' Noisy le Sec. Info at their cite : http://www.noisylesec.net/index.php?id_rub=galerie&id_com=262 puis un peu en bas 'acces depuis paris' (super facile) tel. 01 49 42 67 17.

***10 March, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Meet Laurel Zuckerman, author of Sorbonne Confidential, the first no-taboo investigation into France’s painful efforts to teach and combat English simultaneously. This is a hilarious and alarming eye-witness account of France’s highest contest for English teachers (the Agrégation), specially designed to confound native speakers. Sorbonne Confidential recounts the true misadventures of American immigrant Alice in the agrégation d’anglais. Funny and distressing, it offers a unique inside tour of the bizarre mechanisms of this high-stress exam preparation. “Sorbonne Confidential” by French-American writer Laurel Zuckerman, is published by Fayard as fiction. AT: Librairie Eyrolles, 55-63 bd Saint-German, 75005 Paris, metro Saint Michel, Cluny La Sorbonne or Maubert Mutualité.

10 et dimanche 11 mars : Violette and Co participe à la Journée internationale des femmes organisée par la Mairie de Paris qui se tiendra cette année au Carreau du Temple (débats, stands, expositions...)

*12th March, 7pm: Joseph Connolly will be reading at Shakespeare & Co from his new novel, “Jack the Lad and Bloody Mary”, published by Faber and Faber. BIO: Joseph Connolly is the author of ten novels including, Poor Souls (1995), This is It (1996), Stuff (1997), Summer Things (1998), Winter Breaks (1999), S. O. S (2001), It Can’t Go On (2002) and, more recently, Love is Strange (2005). He has also written several works of non-fiction including admired biographies of Jerome K. Jerome and P. G. Wodehouse. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/

**12 mars à 19h. BILINGUAL READING : L'association Double Change, avec le soutien du CIPM et d'un Bureau sur l'Atlantique, vous invitent à une lecture bilingue de ELIZABETH WILLIS et PASCAL POYET. Un texte d'Elizabeth Willis traduit dans le cadre d'un séminaire de traduction collective organisé du 5 au 10 mars par Un Bureau sur l'Atlantique au CIPM sera lu lors de cette soirée.Elizabeth Willis a publié de nombreux livres de poésie, parmi lesquels Second Law (Avenue B, 1993), The Human Abstract (National Poetry Series, Penguin, 1995), Turnesresque (Burning Deck, 2003) et Meteoric Flowers (Wesleyan University Press, 2006) + Loi deux, traduit par Juliette Valéry, Format Américain, 1994. Elle enseigne à Wesleyan University. Pascal Poyet dirige les éditions contrat maint avec l'artiste Goria. Poète, il est l'auteur de Au compère (Bleu du ciel, 2005), Expédients (La chambre, 2002), Causes cavalières (Editions de l'attente, 2000). Poyet est par ailleurs traducteur, entre autre, de David Antin, John Baldessari, Miles Champion, Abigail Child, Peter Gizzi, Charles Olson, Rosmarie Waldrop. Pour plus, voir : http://www.doublechange.com/ Double Change organise des séminaires et journées d'études autour des poètes anglophones. Contact pour Format Américain / Un bureau sur l'Atlantique : LeGam@enfrance.com Lecture AU : Point Ephémère (salle de concert côté quai), 200 quai de Valmy, 75009 Paris (Métro Jaurès l.2 ou 5) www.pointephemere.org

*12th March at 9pm. Follow listening to Double Change poets by reading your own work at: Kerouac: spoke word/poetry open mic. YES, YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others, try out new poems or flash fiction pieces, and inspire us! Organized by David Barnes, downstairs in the back room at The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue Bourg-Tibourg, Metro Hotel de Ville. Happy hour prices all night!

*13 March--7:00pm Reading of Marie Borel's “Wolftrot” Translated into English by Sarah Riggs and Omar Berrada. The author, French poet, translator, and photographer Marie Borel, will be there to read extracts from her French original. In Wolftrot, Marie Borel turns the eternal metaphor of the sea voyage on its ear: here, the fleet is literal, and they're literally (and literarily) lost. Afficionado of pun and double entendre, Borel interweaves vignettes and character sketches with extended lyric dérèglements de tous les sens. This is an old-fashioned swashbuckler of a tale that we come to realize is, ultimately, all about language—the real voyage that we embark on every day, confident in the knowledge that we will never see its end. Marie Borel is not only one of France’s edgiest writers, as versed in verlang as she is in vers libre, she's also an inveterate traveler, spending much of each year in various places like Yemen or Japan with the balance spent in Paris. Her other collections include Fin de citation (1996), translated into English by Keith Waldrop as Close Quote (2003) and La lettre d’un oeil étranger. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel / Fax (+33) 01 48 04 75 08 red.wheelbarrow@wanadoo.fr or http://www.theredwheelbarrow.com/ M° St Paul

*13 March—8pm. LIVE POETS, Paris’ longest-running poetry reading series, directed by John Kliphan, invites you to hear 3 poets: Sue Chenette, John Noonan & Nina Zivancevic. BIOS: Chenette, Canadian-American pianist and author, has published 2 chapbooks of poems: The Time Between Us and A Transport of Grief. Zivancevic (ex-Yugoslavian writing in multiple languages) is the author of 15 books of poetry, 7 fiction books and 3 novels with her PhD dissertation publication forthcoming chez l'Harmattan. Noonan's poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and literary review, including Sheets for Men, Frank, etc. At: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 http://www.the-highlander.fr/ metros: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E

* 13 mars 19h30 Meet poet/author Jo Slade BIO : Slade est l'écrivain en résidence du Centre Culturel Irlandais durant l'hiver 2007. Elle est l'auteur de quatre recueils de poésie : In Fields I Hear Them Sing (1989), The Vigilant One (1994, nominé pour le Irish Times/ Aer Lingus Literature Prize), Certain Octobers (1997, qui a reçu une bourse du Centre National du Livre à Paris) et The City of Bridges (2005). En 2003, elle a été nominée pour le Prix Evelyn Encelot/ Prix d'Ecriture décerné par la Maison des Ecrivains à Paris. AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 – Paris www.centreculturelirlandais.com

*14 mars 2007 à 19h. Frédéric Léal au Musée Zadkine. Frédéric Léal (1968) est romancier, mais use entre autres des formes et voies de la poésie contemporaine pour revivifier, avec humour et brio, le récit. Il a fait paraître aux éditions P.O.L Selva !, 2002 ; Bleu note, 2003 ; Let’s let’s go, 2005 ; Un Trou sous la brèche, 2006 ; et aux éditions de l’Attente Grèbe, 2000. Mismatch, 2002 ; Le peigne-noir, 2004 ; in Terroir gâtEau, 2005. Frédéric Léal qui par ailleurs est médecin a choisi de lire des extraits de descriptions cliniques de cas psychiatriques. Entrée libre AT : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 http://paris.fr/musees/zadkine M Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Responsable de la programmation : Jérôme Mauche

*14th March—19h Chris Ames, Chris Ames, American poet based in France, is the author of the book “Some People”. He will be doing a reading of work in FRENCH at the Belle Hortense, 31 rue Vielle du Temple 75004 Paris, metros Hotel de Ville or St Paul.

*14th March—20h Jack Stack's 'Dickster' book launch at the Canadian Cultural Center! 'Dickster' is the first part of a trilogy I call D-Thrilogy. Richard Travelle, having cut the bridges with his family, tries awkwardly to find himself, to gain control of his life. But his huge weapon and the local mafia seem to have other plans in store for our young hero. D-Thrilogy is a comic approach to Richard Travelle's transformation, where Life takes this nightclub loser on a spiritual quest he never asked for. AT: The Canadian Cultural Center, 5 rue Constantine 75007.

*14 mars à 19h : Rencontre avec ÉLIANE VIENNOT pour la parution de son essai la France, les femmes et le pouvoir. L'invention de la loi salique (Vè-XVIè siècle) (Perrin). à la librairie Violette & Co 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07 www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

**15 March—7pm. DENIS HIRSON presents and reads from “WHITE SCARS”. White Scars is the fourth of Denis Hirson's memory books. It spans the period between two crucial moments in his life: that is of his father's arrest in apartheid South Africa, and, the later, his father's death. This is a book of affirmation in the face of difficulty. It is also one which speaks of the focal power of reading. The four sections of White Scars revolve around books by Ambrose Reeves, Breyten Breytenbach, Raymond Carver and Georges Perec, each of them a touchstone for Denis Hirson at a particular point in time.Chris Dunton of the South African Sunday Independent calls White Scars' one of the most important books on and of literature to come out of South Africa in years.' AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. Métro: Mabillon http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/author_events.html

*16th March 7PM. Poetry reading in Paris. Double Change reading series invites Michael Heller, NY author and critic, to read with French author and translator, Christophe Lamiot Enos. BIOS: Heller is the author of: Uncertain Poetries: Essays on Poets, Poetry and Poetics (2005) In The Builded Place, Wordflow and Exigent Futures: New and Selected Poems (2003) available at http://www.saltpublishing.com/, +via amazon.com. Read selections of work/collaborations at : www.thing.net/~grist/ld/heller.htm and: www.efjcomposer.com/EFJ/Collaborations Il est également l'auteur du livret d'opéra, Benjamin, d'après la vie de Walter Benjamin. Il a reçu de nombreux prix dont le New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship (NYFA), le National Endowment for the Humanities award, et Le Fund for Poetry. Lamiot Enos est formateur de formateurs à l'IUFM de l'Académie de Rouen à Evreux, il consacre sa recherche aux relationsfondamentales que peuvent entretenir poésie et didactique. Deux essais parus en 1997 et 1999 : Eau sur eau, les dictionnaires de Mallarmé, Flaubert, Bataille, Michaux, Leiris et Ponge (Rodopi, Amsterdam); Littérature et hôpital, Balzac, Sue, Hugo (Science en Situation, Paris) et trois récits en poèmes, 2000, 2003 et 2006 : Des pommes et des oranges, Californie I—Berkeley, (Flammarion, Paris); Sitôt Elke, illusion, (Flammarion, Paris) ; Albany, Des pommes et des oranges, Californie II (Flammarion, 2006). A paraître : 1985-1981, l'été (poèmes, Comp'Act, 2007). Entrée libre. Les textes de Michael Heller seront traduits. AT : Point Ephereme, (salle côté rue), 200 quai de Valmy, 75009 Paris (Métro Jaurès l.2 ou 5) www.pointephemere.org

*16 March--7:00pm Paris Launch of “Shakespeare in French Theory: King of Shadows” (Routledge) in the presence of the author Richard Wilson. At a time when the relevance of literary theory itself is frequently being questioned, Richard Wilson makes a compelling case for French Theory in Shakespeare Studies by looking at how French theorists such as Bordieu, Cixous, Deleuze, Derrida and Foucault were themselves shaped by reading Shakespeare; Examining both the violent history and promising future of the plays, Shakespeare in French Theory is a timely reminder of the relevance of Shakespeare and the lasting value of French thinking for the democracy to come. The book is available now and at a special price for those who would like to read it before the Paris launch! The book launch will tie in with the 2007 Congress of the 'Société Française Shakespeare' 15 to 17 March at the Institut National d'Histoire de l'art, Galerie Colbert, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel / Fax (+33) 01 48 04 75 08 red.wheelbarrow@wanadoo.fr or http://www.theredwheelbarrow.com/ M° St Paul

*16 mars à 19h : Rencontre avec ABHA DAWESAR pour la parution de son roman Babyji (éd. Héloïse d'Ormesson, à paraître le 15 mars). Premier roman traduit en français de cette jeune auteure indienne, Babiji est déjà un livre lesbien culte en Inde et aux Etats-Unis. à la librairie Violette & Co 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07 www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

*17th March-- Graham Swift will be at the Sorbonne reading and discussing his work. Red Wheelbarrow will be there on site selling books if you need to pick up a copy to be signed.

*19 March at 19h: The WICE literary journal Upstairs at Duroc and Berkeley Books of Paris invite you to a reading by three poets: Todd Swift, Claire Potter and Rufo Quintavalle. Venez nombreux, and b.y.o.b. if you like! BIOS: Todd Swift is the author of three collections of poetry, Budavox, Cafe Alibi and Rue du Regard, editor of numerous international poetry anthologies, editor of nthposition.com & contributing editor for Matrix. He has been Oxfam Great Britain's poet-in-residence since 2004. Claire Potter, author of the chapbook In Front of a Comma & a forthcoming collection of prose poems (with Vagabond Press, Sydney, 2007) is the translator of some of Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray & currently Michel Deguy’s work. She was the recipient of a 2006 Young Australian Poet Awards& 2006 winner of Abbey Bookshop’s Short Story competition. Rufo Quintavalle is a British poet with an Italian name who lives in France. His work has appeared in The Wolf, Barrow Street, nthposition, MiPOesias, Louis Liard and elimae. Translations of his poems are forthcoming in Literaturen vestnik (Bulgaria). AT: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, Metro Odeon. Tel: http://www.berkeleybooksofparis.com/

*20 March—7pm. BILINGUAL READING: IVY Writers invites you to hear Lisa Fishman & Richard Meier from the USA with French author Véronique Pittolo. Free and followed by a great concert!!! BIOS : FISHMAN is the author of Dear, Read, (selected by Brenda Hillman for Ahsahta Press, 2002), The Deep Heart's Core is a Suitcase, (New Issues Press, 1996) & her third book, The Happiness Experiment, is forthcoming from Ahsahta Press. Recent poems appear in issues of Colorado Review,Volt, American Letters and Commentary, Five Fingers Reviw, 26, Elixir, online at http://www.gutcult.com/litjourn3/html/fishmaninstructions.html etc. She taught at Beloit College and now is teaching in Chicago. MEIER is the author of Shelley Gave Jane a Guitar, (Wave Books, 2006) & Terrain Vague, (selected by Tomaz Salamun for the Verse Prize, Verse Press, 2001). New poems appear in Conjunctions, Volt, Boston Review, Lungfull, The Hat, etc. He lives & teaches in Chicago (5th graders & at Columbia College). Lisa Fishman, Richard Meieir co-ordinate with Henry Morren & Wave Books, the Poetry/Farm Project, a residency/work program for poets on Lisa and Henry's farm in Southern Wisconsin (info:http://www.wavepoetry.com/). PITTOLO est écrivain qui travaille sur les représentations et la notion de personnage, à travers une poésie narrative qui mêle le mythe et une réflexion sur le monde contemporain. Elle est l’auteur de, notamment, Héros (Al Dante); Shrek ; Gary Cooper ne lisait pas de livres (Al Dante) ; La Voile (La Garenne) ; Exploration (Stock, 1994) : XY ou La Poursuite du Bonheur (Les Cahiers Ephémérides, 1997) et Opéra isotherme (éditions Al Dante). AT: (TB Confirmed) AT: LES VOUTES ST HONORE, 99/101 rue St Honore Paris 1er. Downstairs in this lovely nightclub! Metro Louvre Rivoli.

*20 March—7pm. PETER CAREY On the occasion of the publication in French of « HAUT VOL: Histoire d'amour”(éd Christian Bourgois) traduit de l'anglais (Australie) par Elisabeth Pellaert
the author of Oscar and Lucinda, and of True History of the Kelly Gang, both Booker Prize-winners, will discuss and read from his most recent novel: THEFT A Love Story 'Carey is a novelist distinguished by his reach and scope... The reader looks forward to his novels because he or she can never know what he might pull off next- only that it will be accomplished with a sure touch and absolute fearlessness.' The Times. 'Without question the pre-eminent literary voice of post-colonial Australia, he loves to take risks.' The Guardian.Born in Australia, Peter Carey lives in New York where he is the director of the Hunter College MFA Program in creative writing. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. Métro: Mabillon http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/author_events.html

*22 March—7pm. Hélène Cixous discusses several of her works recently published in the USA and in the UK: The Day I Wasn't There; Rêveries of the Wild Woman; and Dream I Tell You All translated by the American Poet Beverley Bie Brahic. Hélène Cixous will also talk about Jacques Derrida's recently published work: Geneses, Genealogies, Genres and Genius: The Secrets of the Archive, also translated by Beverley Bie Brahic. This Reading is an homage to the memory of Jacques Derrida who, exactly three years ago participated in the launching at the Village Voice of Hélène Cixous's presentation of her personal portrait of Jacques Derrida: Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint . Hélène Cixous is a French writer, philosopher, playwright, critic, and activist who continues to influence writers, scholars, and feminists around the world. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. Métro: Mabillon http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/author_events.html

24, dimanche 25, vendredi 30, samedi 31 mars et dimanche 1er avril : Violette and Co tient un stand au Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil (infos : www.filmsdefemmes.com)

*26th March at 9pm Kerouac: spoke word/poetry open mic. YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others, try out new poems or flash fiction pieces, and inspire us! Organized by David Barnes, downstairs in the back room at The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue Bourg-Tibourg, Metro Hotel de Ville. Happy hour prices all night!

28 mars à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photos de NICOLE MIQUEL "Flous amoureux" à la librairie Violette & Co 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07 www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

31 March—VERNISSAGE in the parisian region. Venture out to see Seulgi Lee’s work (she’s presenting an afghan in corsica)in the opening "MEME HEURE, MEME ENDROIT" at the 'abbaye maubuisson' show goes from march 23 - sept 3 007 press opening in the morning of march 27, The book about the show will come out the end of april. Details and directions at: http://www.valdoise.fr/content/heading108612/content24675.html


*April 4th, Come hear a reading at the American Library with author and translator Beverly Briahic. She will be reading her poetry.

5th April, 7:30 – 9:00pm: Writers on Writing at WICE: An Evening with Richard Z. Chesnoff. Veteran foreign correspondent Richard Z. Chesnoff has been reporting from around the world for more than 40 years. A two-time winner of the Overseas Press Club Award and a recipient of the coveted National Press Club Award, Chesnoff was formerly executive editor of Newsweek International and senior correspondent at US News & World Report where he is now a contributing editor. Join us as our host inspires our guest to delve into his process and share his deepest thoughts about his craft and genre. A moderated open discussion between the writer and the attendees will follow. To RSVP for this FREE event, call WICE at 01 45 66 75 50. AT: WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse, metro Duroc, Falguiere or Montparnasse w/8min walk. http://www.wice-paris.org/

PART II: CLASSES by start date.

3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st. March: The Other Writers' Workshop every Saturday in March: 3-5pm: Meets upstairs at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" " Any healthy man can go without food for two days, but not without poetry." - Charles Baudelaire AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/ A change: price is ONE euro per person for the workshop. J Thanks!

Thurs, March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12 Time: 2:30 - 4:30 “3-D ‘Memoir’” A mixed medium writing and visual arts course focusing on ways to re-conceive of “writing” from memories in poetic, prose & visual art forms. 141€ at WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse. 01 45 66 75 50. http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/ See WICE site for complete info on this WICE course as well as all the others listed here.

Tues & Thurs, March 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29: Time: 7:00 - 9:00pm “Flash Fiction” workshop to write & discuss Sudden Fiction w/classic story elements: plot, protagonist, complication, and resolution – in 2000 words or less! 141€ at WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse. 01 45 66 75 50. http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/Mon & Weds, March 19,

21, 26, 28; April 2, 4. Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm “Freelance Writing” learn how to write a Power Pitch, about 5 types of articles that are most likely to get picked up, practical aspects of freelance journalism, etc. 124€ at WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse. 01 45 66 75 50. http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/

April 2 & 3: Mon 10am-5pm, w/1hr lunch break; Tues: 10:00am - 1:00pm “Memory, Secrets and Immortality; Writing the Stories of our Lives” special semi-intensive course using journaling, writing meditations and dream awareness to create new writing or to further existing projects. 124€ at WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse. 01 45 66 75 50. http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/

Monday - Thursday, April 9th - 12th; 10:00am - 12:00 noon “The Art(s) and Craft of Screenwriting: A European Perspective” How is screenwriting different from other forms of writing? What are the "profound differences" between the American and European filmmaking experience? To be commercial versus being an "auteur"? This course is designed to broaden the vision of screenwriting. 110€ at WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse. 01 45 66 75 50. http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/

Mon - Thurs, April 9th -12th Time: 1:30 – 4:00pm “The Hollywood Screenplay: How to write for the Movies (...and we don't mean Film)” Explore the Design, Craft, and Art of telling stories for the Big Screen-- The process of Screenwriting is studied from several angles for depth of understanding and practical use. 110€ at WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse. 01 45 66 75 50. http://www.wice-paris.org/courses/

MAY PARIS POETRY WORKSHOP with Cecilia Woloch: May 13 - 18, 2007. Cecilia Woloch leads a 5-day intensive workshop for poets at all levels of development -- from serious "amateurs" (those who do it for love) to the already-published. Morning workshops with writing exercises and feedback; afternoon craft talks with representatives of the Paris literary community such as Jennifer K. Dick, Heather Hartley, Ellen Hinsey and others; evening readings -- including an evening of bi-lingual performance poetry at WICE, an IVY reading with NY poets Steve Dalachinsky and Yuko, and a culmination reading by workshop participants -- will be part of a full week's schedule of poetry-related events. $895 for the week for those who register by April 1. 2 fellowships covering the majority of workshop costs will be offered this year for performance poets. Cecilia Woloch is the author of Sacrifice, a BookSense 76 selection; Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem ; and Late, for which she was named Georgia Author of the Year in Poetry for 2004. Her newest collection, Narcissus, was awarded the Snowbound Prize and will be published by Tupelo Press in 2007. A celebrated teacher, Ms. Woloch serves on the faculty of the MFA Program in Writing at Western Connecticut State University as well as the B.A. program in Creative Writing at the University of Southern California. She spends part of each year traveling and teaching in Europe. For more details and to register contact Cecilia Woloch: ceciwo@aol.comor www.ceciliawoloch.com

Sign up now for the July 2007 PARIS WRITERS' WORKSHOP offering courses in memoir, fiction, poetry, etc. An intense, action-packed week of writing in Paris which takes place at WICE.


SUBMIT: CutBank is officially open for submissions. Please send poems (short, long, serial, prose etc) to the snail-mail address, Attn: Poetry Editors: CutBank Poetry, Department of English, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59812. OR sumbmit via email in an MS Word attachment to: cutbankpoetry@gmail.com (please put "SUBMISSION" in the subject line). We recommend that you familiarize yourselves with recent issues of the journal, which are available, as always, through us. Cutbank publishes an issue of poetry, an issue of prose, an issue of poetry and on. Info on recent contributors and other info can be found on the site: http://cutbankpoetry.blogspot.com/

READ ONLINE NOW & submit in MAY!: Double Room : A Journal of Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction www.webdelsol.com/Double_Room Welcomes you to enjoy issue #7 featuring Alan May, Ben Miller, Daniel Grandbois, Doug Martin, Erika Eckart, Forrest Roth, Geoffrey Dyer, J. Marcus Weekley, Jennifer K. Dick, John Olson, Julia Bloch, Lawrence Goeckel, Michael Benedikt, Michael Cross, Nin Andrews, Paul McCormick, Peter Jay Shippy, Peter Markus, Robert Lopez, Rolf Hughes, Sean Thomas Dougherty, Stephen Ratcliffe + E-Chapbooks, An Interview, An Essay on New Brutalism + book review! Visit Double Room at www.webdelsol.com/Double_Room Double Room will accept open submissions of prose poetry and flash fiction from May 1st to July 1st, 2007.

READ: NOW OUT: The 7th Aimée Leduc Investigation is out... “Murder on Ile Saint-Louis” by Cara Black....Publisher's Weekly gave it a starred review...about which Cara is “totally amazed and thrilled”, though her readers are likely not surprised, as these books are fun, exciting, intricate romps through the city, its architecture, streets and…crimes! More on Cara Black’s work and more info on readings and the author can be found at: http://www.carablack.com/

SUBMIT STORIES: The Journal is now accepting submissions for the 2007 Short Story Contest, judged by Lee K. Abbott. See complete guidelines and details for the contest, or to submit other work to the lit mag at: http://english.osu.edu/research/journals/thejournal/

APART NEEDED for MAY: American writer/teacher, frequent visitor to Paris with local references, is looking for an apartment to sublet for the month of May. I prefer one spacious room (say 12'X12') to several small ones, an uncluttered environment with natural light and relative quiet, somewhere in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th or 11th arrondissment. I'm fastidious and responsible, and willing to pay 1,000 - 1,500 eu/month. Please e-mail me as soon as possible: ceciwo@aol.com

SEEKING LAYOUT HELP: The literary journal Upstairs at Duroc is looking for a graphic designer/layout person to help produce their next issue. Layout work will begin in early April. Needless to say, this is unpaid work, but you will receive tons of gratitude!

SUBMIT POETRY & TRANSLATIONS: Counterpath Press will be launching an online literary journal in 2008 and has just opened for submissions. They are interested in a large range of work (see samples on their site from the 4 books just published) and are also interested in translations of poetry. In addition to the review, they run a chapbook and a book series—query before mailing longer works. They are an excellent young press to get involved with. In June, Tim Roberts and Julie Carr who run the press will be in Paris alongside authors Laynie Brown and Andrew Joron for readings with IVY and others. Counterpath Press, PO Box 18351, Denver, CO 80218 or to editors@counterpathpress.org, with the subject line beginning with the word "SUBMISSION" (in all caps).

SEEKING one night LODGING in APRIL: for poet Cralan Kelder (Versal magazine poetry editor and author, also a visual art bookmaker and thus fun conversationalist!) for the night April 17th. He is coming from Amsterdam to read with Live Poets. A new dad, he will certainly appreciate a place to get a full night’s rest!!!! If you could put him up, he can be reached at: "cralan kelder" cralan@wordsinhere.com.

READ via ORDERing : a copy of Virginie Poitrasson’s new chapbook : Série ombragée vient de sortir fin 2006 chez Propos 2 éditions, avec une intervention plastique de Martina Kramer.Allez jeter un coup d'oeil sur le site et commandez-le si le coeur vous en dit! http://pdc.imingo.net/public/fiche.php?reference=PAP15

READ/SUBMIT/SUBSCRIBE : This year marks 30 years in existence for “La Traductière” (a literary review run by French poet and translator Jacques Rancourt). To celebrate this exciting 30 years in existence, the magazine will be hosting readings around the world, has asked previous contributors to participate in an exciting intertextual exercise “PROSE SCULPTURE” and will be putting out another great issue in conjunction with the Festival Franco-Anglaise de poésie in June. See samples from previous issues, subscribe, read work from the 30th anniversary issue or contact Jacques to offer a space for a multilingual event—all via their site: http://www.festrad.com/

SUBMIT NOW: There's till time to submit to THE ROZANOVA* PRIZE for a collaborative and/or visual book, to be published in a beautiful perfect-bound edition by 1913 Press. Winner also receives standard royalties contract and 25 copies of the book. "All writing is collaboration." ...I think Robert Kelly said that. "COLLABORATIVE and/or VISUAL" are as open modalities as you want to make them. (Cross-outs, cut-ups, collage, conversation, wiki-work, decollage, bricolage, multi-authored texts, non-authored texts, hooked on homophonics, anxiously influenced work, chance...) Please see 1913 a journal of forms and 1913's book publications for fine examples: Seismosis by John Keene + Christopher Stackhouse and Sightings by Shin Yu Pai DEADLINE: March 13, 2007 $20 entry fee ALL entries will be considered for publication by 1913. All contest entrants will receive a copy of the winning book. Multiple entries are accepted, but must be sent under separate cover either online:http://www.journal1913.org/prizes.html or by mail to: 1913 Press, Box 9654, Hollins University, Roanoke, Virginia 24020, Please email the editrice@journal1913.org with any questions at all. http://www.journal1913.org/

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